Hello my Faithful Peeps,
As a huge Thank You to my Followers for taking me to - and over now, 250, I would like to offer you this CANDY :-)
I am enclosing;
The Cardmakers' Year Double CD by Joanna Sheen
Aspects of Design 20 - Summer Flowers Rubber Stamp Set by The Stamp Man ... (I cut them out but never used them so they are not on a flat sheet)
K & Co Embossed Stickers - Fishing
Big & Beautiful Decoupage Sheets - Bears + animals
Prima Masks - 2 x Signposts
Selection of Hand Crochet Flowers in assorted colours
Pirate Ships + Hats Brads by the Eyelet Outlet
Some half Pearls
Some pearl bead Buckles
A selection of Doilies
Some fibres + Ribbons
... I may well find some other goodies to throw in there too as we go along .....
** Will Post to any country ** :-)
If you would like to enter for this Candy (and you are one of my Faithful Followers) then please leave me a comment below. Please do not Follow and then drop off after the giveaway coz that is sooooooo miffing :-)
This will run until 31st MAY and then I will get Mr Random.org to choose a lucky Winner.
Many thanks again for all your kind support :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Hello and welcome to WOYWW 208.... this week is a celebration... celebrating 4 years of snooping round other people's workdesks :-D This baby was the brainchild of Julia over at STAMPING GROUND and it has been soooo successful. I love going round and seeing things/getting inspiration from what other crafting Peeps are up to.
There is also an added bit of fun this time... If you want to take part in the WOYWW ATC Swap, just add an * after your name when you add your name to Mr Linky and then look for the next name on the list after you which has an * and that's the person you send an ATC to. :-D The last person with * sends to the first person with *. Leave a comment for your person and a way to contact you - you will need their address :-)
So, here is the left-hand side of my workdesk. Some of my ATCs are stacked on the lamp base. I had to fuzz out some addresses on bits of paper on the side there :-D.

So, here is the left-hand side of my workdesk. Some of my ATCs are stacked on the lamp base. I had to fuzz out some addresses on bits of paper on the side there :-D.
So, I'm up for an ATC Swap.... How's about you ???!!!
HAPPY WOYWW xxxxxxxxxxxx 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Hey there music lovers.... there's a brand new Challenge Blog up called MUSICALLY CHALLENGED.... they give you a video and you make a creation inspired by the vid.... cool eh ???
Challenge #1 is sponsored by Smeared Ink and the Vid is "Jaded" by Aerosmith.
Well - I duly watched it and this is what I came up with, using images from itKuPiLLi, and a few added drawn bits here and there......
Challenge #1 is sponsored by Smeared Ink and the Vid is "Jaded" by Aerosmith.
Well - I duly watched it and this is what I came up with, using images from itKuPiLLi, and a few added drawn bits here and there......
Sounds like fun to me, so why not pop over and play. We all love to support a new Challenge Blog eh ???!!!!
Challenges I am entering:
Musically Challenged #1 - Jaded
Celebrate The Occasion #114 - Use a Butterfly
Hi there,
Over at THE HOUSE OF BEARS they are having their Book Challenge again :-) This month it is 'Little Women' and the Bears have kindly given us a few inspirational quotes. Now I've used one of those quotes with one of my new images I am releasing today. I drew them for the Tooth & Claw Theme in the DT Throwdown at Smeared & Smudged. Voting starts today for the DT with the best pieces so why not pop over and vote forMe... errr... someone :-D
Now - I'm sorry little Bears, but I think you are going to be totally freaked out and scared with my ATC for your Challenge. I have used "Scream" - one of my new digis and taken one of your quotes. Let's hope you recover quickly !!!!!
Over at THE HOUSE OF BEARS they are having their Book Challenge again :-) This month it is 'Little Women' and the Bears have kindly given us a few inspirational quotes. Now I've used one of those quotes with one of my new images I am releasing today. I drew them for the Tooth & Claw Theme in the DT Throwdown at Smeared & Smudged. Voting starts today for the DT with the best pieces so why not pop over and vote for
Now - I'm sorry little Bears, but I think you are going to be totally freaked out and scared with my ATC for your Challenge. I have used "Scream" - one of my new digis and taken one of your quotes. Let's hope you recover quickly !!!!!
Background from itKuPPiLli, image Ike'sArt coloured in PSE9
Challenges I am entering:
The House of Bears Literary Challenge - Little Women (I used a quote from the Bears)
House of Bears,
Scary ATC,
Ah, Beloveds !! ... The sisters of darkness at SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM hath again set forth Challenge #5 to all who toil in Design Teams for other Masters and Mistresses. They doth challenge us to bring forth our most accomplished works and do battle against each other.
Forsooth - such cunning a theme was laid down this time by the Victors of the last Challenge..... Us at QTR.... YaY... and the Challenge hath been dubbed "TOOTH & CLAW".
The Minions of The Master hath risen again to the quest and hath produced fineries that doth astound the eye. For such delights offered by the Mistresses of the Master BLACKDRAGON and FIONA... follow their names :-)
For my piece I have made "George" - he certainly has teeth and claws and he has a background of one of my new digital images which is called 'Creation'. But first, here is George....
The Minions of The Master hath risen again to the quest and hath produced fineries that doth astound the eye. For such delights offered by the Mistresses of the Master BLACKDRAGON and FIONA... follow their names :-)
For my piece I have made "George" - he certainly has teeth and claws and he has a background of one of my new digital images which is called 'Creation'. But first, here is George....
And now the new Tooth & Claw images.......
These new images will be available in my SHOP later today :-)
Now, Voting for the best DT Throwdown pieces will start later over at Smeared & Smudged, so please come and cast your vote HERE
Monday, 27 May 2013
Beloveds - herewith doth we find ourselves midway twixt the allotted time for thy current QUEST.
For thine inspiration I offer thee a re-visit of a work I produced for the sisters of darkness that doth name themselves SMUDGY ANTICS. 'Twas for a Quest akin to 'Movies' if memory doth serve me rightly, and the image doth illustrate the eerie tale by The Master.... "The Cask of Amontillado". (Image by IKE - available from Smeared Ink). Shouldst thou wish to read the sorry tale - it abideth HERE.
For thine inspiration I offer thee a re-visit of a work I produced for the sisters of darkness that doth name themselves SMUDGY ANTICS. 'Twas for a Quest akin to 'Movies' if memory doth serve me rightly, and the image doth illustrate the eerie tale by The Master.... "The Cask of Amontillado". (Image by IKE - available from Smeared Ink). Shouldst thou wish to read the sorry tale - it abideth HERE.
Thou hast until 5th JUNE to enter thy creations in QUEST 21....Anything POES.
Placeth thy creations at Mr Linky on the Blog Post below :-D
Now - The Master hath seen that the Beloved Followers are in number - 94. This hath pleased him greatly and much excitement and elation doth reign within his Realm with his Minions that the magic number of 100 draws near !!!
He is busy as we speak preparing a worthy Prize - to be hailed when the esteemed and prized Followers doth reach that number :-D
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Gosh - doesn't this come around quickly.... I totally missed last month :-(
RUDOLPH DAY over at Sandra's Blog ..... STAMPING FOR PLEASURE is a little Challenge she poses every month which also gives us a chance to get some cards made in preparation for Chrimbo, well ahead of time.... well at least that's the theory !! Doesn't always work for me LoL :-D
Here's my one for this month - see... only 1 hahahahaha !!!
RUDOLPH DAY over at Sandra's Blog ..... STAMPING FOR PLEASURE is a little Challenge she poses every month which also gives us a chance to get some cards made in preparation for Chrimbo, well ahead of time.... well at least that's the theory !! Doesn't always work for me LoL :-D
Here's my one for this month - see... only 1 hahahahaha !!!
I actually did some rubber stamping on this one... shock, horror !!!! :-)
This stamp is 'A Beautiful Sight' from the Unity Stamp Co.
I used a die cut and then embossed it at the back. The red frame was the left-over from a previous die cut. I printed my stamp on a snippet of white card and then sewed the frame onto the main card. My Reindeer is a die cut from a friend and I stamped onto him as well.
I edged the card with Tim Holtz Distress Ink: Peeled Paint.
Challenges I am entering:
Stamping For Pleasure; Rudolph Day - May 2013
Friday, 24 May 2013
Hello again Peeps and welcome to PAINT PARTY FRIDAY.
I have another bird for you this week - it was a commission for a parrot fancier.
This bird was so awkward when I went to photograph it and it kept turning round and showing me it's butt !!! Definitely didn't want to be 'snapped' hahahahaha!! LoL
I have another bird for you this week - it was a commission for a parrot fancier.
This bird was so awkward when I went to photograph it and it kept turning round and showing me it's butt !!! Definitely didn't want to be 'snapped' hahahahaha!! LoL
Click on Pic to enlarge
Sorry it's not a brilliant photo, but it had already been framed up before I thought of it !!! :-(
Happy Friday everyone,
I give you this one in support of all our Female troops out there :-D
The Badge is in PNG or JPG.
Ike's World is a No Copy Zone and nothing on this site/Blog can be pinned/published to Pinterest or similar communities. These images are given to YOU personally and you do NOT have the right to share or paste anywhere else. Send people here to me. If you wish to 'shout' me anywhere, please ask for a 'Watermarked' copy. Thank you :-)
Any more 'Pinning', '+Plussing' or whatever and I shall stop giving Freebies altogether.
* To snag these - just click on image to enlarge and Right Click to Save.*
I give you this one in support of all our Female troops out there :-D
The Badge is in PNG or JPG.
Ike's World is a No Copy Zone and nothing on this site/Blog can be pinned/published to Pinterest or similar communities. These images are given to YOU personally and you do NOT have the right to share or paste anywhere else. Send people here to me. If you wish to 'shout' me anywhere, please ask for a 'Watermarked' copy. Thank you :-)
Any more 'Pinning', '+Plussing' or whatever and I shall stop giving Freebies altogether.
* To snag these - just click on image to enlarge and Right Click to Save.*
See you later xxxxxxxxxx
Friday, 17 May 2013
Hello Peeps,
I hope this will go up because it's on autopost and it's let me down before. :-(
I am away for a couple of days on Kos, but here is your FREEBIE FRIDAY 19 - One for the Men :-)
Ike's World is a No Copy Zone and nothing on this site/Blog can be pinned/published to Pinterest or similar communities. These images are given to YOU personally and you do NOT have the right to share or paste anywhere else. Send people here to me. If you wish to 'shout' me anywhere, please ask for a 'Watermarked' copy. Thank you :-)
Any more 'Pinning', '+Plussing' or whatever and I shall stop giving Freebies altogether.
* To snag these - just click on image to enlarge and Right Click to Save.*
I hope this will go up because it's on autopost and it's let me down before. :-(
I am away for a couple of days on Kos, but here is your FREEBIE FRIDAY 19 - One for the Men :-)
Ike's World is a No Copy Zone and nothing on this site/Blog can be pinned/published to Pinterest or similar communities. These images are given to YOU personally and you do NOT have the right to share or paste anywhere else. Send people here to me. If you wish to 'shout' me anywhere, please ask for a 'Watermarked' copy. Thank you :-)
Any more 'Pinning', '+Plussing' or whatever and I shall stop giving Freebies altogether.
* To snag these - just click on image to enlarge and Right Click to Save.*
Hello Peeps,
Here is a little card I made to go with a present for a cyber friend of mine - Sandra of STAMPING FOR PLEASURE :-)
Now this lady used to have a couple of chickens that were regular posts on her Blog - getting up to their antics in her garden. :-) She doesn't do that Blog any more but I thought she might like a little flock for indoors :-D Would you believe it though .... I forgot to photograph the 'Girls' before I posted them, so here's hoping Sarn can take a pikky of them so I can put it on here.
*** Well - Sarn took me a pikkie of the Chooks at their new home... so here they are ......
Anyhoo, I made this little card to go with them using STAMPIN' UP products. I have had this little set for a while now but couldn't decide what on earth to make with them. This is what I came up with - I followed a design I had seen elsewhere, but used different colours and papers, and somehow it doesn't seem as good as the one I followed !!! How does that figure ????? Maybe I should just stick to the Dark stuff :-D LoL
Sarn is a SU demonstrator, so I am sure she will be able to point out what I haven't quite got right with this one :-)
Challenges I am entering with my card:
Cuddlebug Cuties Sunday Linky Party.... For my Knitted Chooks :-)
Here is a little card I made to go with a present for a cyber friend of mine - Sandra of STAMPING FOR PLEASURE :-)
Now this lady used to have a couple of chickens that were regular posts on her Blog - getting up to their antics in her garden. :-) She doesn't do that Blog any more but I thought she might like a little flock for indoors :-D Would you believe it though .... I forgot to photograph the 'Girls' before I posted them, so here's hoping Sarn can take a pikky of them so I can put it on here.
*** Well - Sarn took me a pikkie of the Chooks at their new home... so here they are ......
Anyhoo, I made this little card to go with them using STAMPIN' UP products. I have had this little set for a while now but couldn't decide what on earth to make with them. This is what I came up with - I followed a design I had seen elsewhere, but used different colours and papers, and somehow it doesn't seem as good as the one I followed !!! How does that figure ????? Maybe I should just stick to the Dark stuff :-D LoL
Sarn is a SU demonstrator, so I am sure she will be able to point out what I haven't quite got right with this one :-)
'Language of Friendship' Rubber stamp set by Stampin'Up
'Chelsea Green' papers from Docrafts Papermania 6"x6" Capsule
Challenges I am entering with my card:
Cuddlebug Cuties Sunday Linky Party.... For my Knitted Chooks :-)
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Well Good Morning Peeps. SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM are having their May Blog Hop and there's going to be lots of exciting projects to see, so I hope you will pop round to everyone and have a look. I have put the Blog List down underneath. They always have very exciting things to see - so don't miss out. :-D
I missed out on getting on the List but I did make something.
Oh, No... it's OK... I'm on the Blog List now... YaY... Thanks Tori xxx
This is a 'newbie' for me.... I tried an Art Journal. I'm going to enter this in the ROCK n ROLLA Challenge at Smeared & Smudged coz I was inspired by this month's Vid - Tom Petty. It's a great video with the song.... you should go see :-) Click HERE to have a look.
Here's my effort...... took me ages and I was a bit out of my comfort zone, but I am sort of pleased with it - it kinda' connects and flows through... I think !! :-)
It's a big A4 watercolour book I decided to use so here are the pages individually.....
Click on pic to enlarge.
On the left page, my main image is called "Laura The Librarian" from Opal Manor. I coloured her to look like Alice and wrote on her book cover. She also has glossy accents on her glasses :-) The bat is from the 'Little Bit Batty Set' by Smeared Ink. I tried embossing a net in gold on a painted background but you can't really see it, and my background went a bit 'muddy' :-( I got some lace on there too and used stamp pads to blob over it. The flowers are the bits left from die cuts, and I also used some as a stencil in the background there.... see ???? ! I wrote a couple of quotes from AIW book on there too. :-D
This is the right-hand page and the background was done with inks and various stencils. I drew a b/w room. The Raven is from Smeared Ink's 'Quoth The Raven' Rubber set, which I got from their Rubber Club :-D Cool eh ?!! More doodling and stuff and my Cheshire cat in the corner.
OK that's it - not too bad for a newbie maybe ?!!
So here's the official Blog Hop List if you would like to go and look around :-)
OK - I'm off for a looksee myself now, so I'll catch you later. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Challenges I am entering:
Smeared & Smudged ROCK n ROLLA Challenge May - Tom Petty Video
Inklings & Yarns - Inky Linky 15 Anything Goes
Rhedd & Rosies Challenge #6 - Fantasy/Mythical... well AIW is deffo Fantasy right ?!!
The Three Muses - Project with a Quote
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
WOO HOO !!!! - 250 FOLLOWERS :-D
OMGoodness Peeps,
I have just seen that I have reached 250 fantastic Followers :-D
Thank you all so much....... this definitely deserves some sort of Prize Giveaway thingy.... stay tuned and I will definitely come up with something :-D :-D
LUV you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have just seen that I have reached 250 fantastic Followers :-D
LUV you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Peeps and welcome to WOYWW 206 (What's On Your Workdesk
Now - if you're not familiar with what this is all about, why not pop over to Julia's blog at Stamping Ground and have a look :-)
I have been playing with crochet hooks and various cottons recently and been making some little flowers :-) It keeps my hands occupied in the evenings when I watch tv. I had been making little bunnies, but since Easter has been and gone, I changed to flowers. Don't know what I am going to use them for, but I thought I might send some as little 'gifties' to my more fluffy/floral craftmaking Chums :-)
I started off with a 5 petal design and then I found a pattern for ones that you roll up - and they are cool.
Here's some pikkies anyway :-D .........................

Now - if you're not familiar with what this is all about, why not pop over to Julia's blog at Stamping Ground and have a look :-)
I have been playing with crochet hooks and various cottons recently and been making some little flowers :-) It keeps my hands occupied in the evenings when I watch tv. I had been making little bunnies, but since Easter has been and gone, I changed to flowers. Don't know what I am going to use them for, but I thought I might send some as little 'gifties' to my more fluffy/floral craftmaking Chums :-)
I started off with a 5 petal design and then I found a pattern for ones that you roll up - and they are cool.
Here's some pikkies anyway :-D .........................
Click on pics to enlarge.
Then an idea came - why not sew one onto the other to make a bigger flower... so I did that as well. :-)
Well - I'm off now to see what other WOYWW - ers have got to show me this week. See ya' xxxxxxxxx
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Happy Sunday Peeps, and Happy Mothers' Day to those of you around the world who are celebrating it today :-)
A couple of weeks ago LISA from DECOSSE's DYNAMITE DOODLES, put out a request for some Get Well cards for NAOMI from CREATIVE BUG ON THE LOOSE... the poor girl is suffering with her health problem and can't even sit at her computer or nothing' - she must be bored to tears AND sick !!! We wanted to cheer her up a bit, so Lisa arranged for a Post to go up today showing all the cards that had been made for her :-D I was lucky enough to be given a brand new digi to play with, drawn by Naomi.... he's called 'Sick Lolly' and here's what I made....
A couple of weeks ago LISA from DECOSSE's DYNAMITE DOODLES, put out a request for some Get Well cards for NAOMI from CREATIVE BUG ON THE LOOSE... the poor girl is suffering with her health problem and can't even sit at her computer or nothing' - she must be bored to tears AND sick !!! We wanted to cheer her up a bit, so Lisa arranged for a Post to go up today showing all the cards that had been made for her :-D I was lucky enough to be given a brand new digi to play with, drawn by Naomi.... he's called 'Sick Lolly' and here's what I made....
I used up some snippets to make the card and 'paper pieced' his blankie, after scanning one of the papers. :-D Oh yeah - and then I made a paper pleat to go across the underneath. !!
and here's the inside using 'Dr Doctor' from the Creepers Set by SMEARED INK
The other cards have all been posted by Lisa on the CREATIVE BUG site HERE, if you'd like to pop over and see them :-)
So, NAOMI, I hope you get to see these soon and that they give you a bit of cheer.
Challenges I am entering:
Snippet's Playground Wk 72
Friday, 10 May 2013
Hello Peeps,
I seem to have a bit of a flow going at the moment, so I have whipped up something to enter the LEFT OF CENTER Challenge #5, which is 'Use a Digi or LOC Theme' and is sponsored this time by DELICIOUS DOODLES.
I seem to have a bit of a flow going at the moment, so I have whipped up something to enter the LEFT OF CENTER Challenge #5, which is 'Use a Digi or LOC Theme' and is sponsored this time by DELICIOUS DOODLES.
For my creation I have used 2 Delicious Doodle image and my own digi for the background, and a tbale top image from the web.
I have gone with a totally digital creation, coloured and assembled in PSE9.
Click pic to enlarge........... if you dare !!!
Delicious Doodles: 'Hungreeeeee!'
IkesArt: 'Castle Room'
Challenges I am entering:
Left of Center Challenge #5 - Digi or LOC Theme... hmmmm I think both bwaahahahaha
365 Cards Day 130 - Colour combo - yep got them !! :-)
365 Cards Day 130 - Colour combo - yep got them !! :-)
Just Add Ink Challenge #165 - Just add Woodgrain .... yep ! Got that :-)
Hello Peeps and welcome to my offering for PAINT PARTY FRIDAY.
This is a portrait of a Harris Hawk that I painted for my husband. He was thinking of getting one of these birds but they are very high maintenance and it's not like to can just ask your neighbour to 'feed + fly the bird' LoL In the end, he just had to make do with a painting :-D
This is a portrait of a Harris Hawk that I painted for my husband. He was thinking of getting one of these birds but they are very high maintenance and it's not like to can just ask your neighbour to 'feed + fly the bird' LoL In the end, he just had to make do with a painting :-D
Sorry about the strange bits on the left, but she's already framed up and it's a slight reflection on the glass. !!!
Mediums - Gouache on Bockingford W/C Paper
Hello and welcome to FREEBIE FRIDAY 18........ a little something for Mothers' Day in parts of the world this weekend.
Ikes World is a No Copy Zone and nothing on this site/Blog can be pinned/published to Pinterest or similar communities. These images are given to YOU personally and you do NOT have the right to share or paste anywhere else. Send people here to me. If you wish to 'shout' me anywhere, please ask for a 'Watermarked' copy. Thank you :-)
Any more 'Pinning', '+Plussing' or whatever and I shall stop giving Freebies altogether.
* To snag these - just click on image to enlarge and Right Click to Save.*
Ikes World is a No Copy Zone and nothing on this site/Blog can be pinned/published to Pinterest or similar communities. These images are given to YOU personally and you do NOT have the right to share or paste anywhere else. Send people here to me. If you wish to 'shout' me anywhere, please ask for a 'Watermarked' copy. Thank you :-)
Any more 'Pinning', '+Plussing' or whatever and I shall stop giving Freebies altogether.
* To snag these - just click on image to enlarge and Right Click to Save.*
See you later :-D xx
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Hello Beloveds and welcome to Quest 21 over at QUOTH THE RAVEN ....... ANYTHING 'POES'.
Before I show you my project I wish to say huuuuuge CONGRATS to our Winner - FIONA aka Anubis and our Top 3 ... Croms, Julia and Keren.
Now I actually got my butt in gear this time and managed to scrape out a project. I have made an altered box. This was a little box I made ages ago for Valentines Day probably and I decided to Poe it up :-)
I used my 'Raven Poe' as the top piece (available from my SHOP here). Around the sides I used 'Flower King Horizontal Border' from Smeared Ink. I used black distress ink round all the sides, and added some blue/black roses to match up with the skull border.
I am going to use this box to put a little giftette in that I am making for a chum :-)
Before I show you my project I wish to say huuuuuge CONGRATS to our Winner - FIONA aka Anubis and our Top 3 ... Croms, Julia and Keren.
Now I actually got my butt in gear this time and managed to scrape out a project. I have made an altered box. This was a little box I made ages ago for Valentines Day probably and I decided to Poe it up :-)
I used my 'Raven Poe' as the top piece (available from my SHOP here). Around the sides I used 'Flower King Horizontal Border' from Smeared Ink. I used black distress ink round all the sides, and added some blue/black roses to match up with the skull border.
I am going to use this box to put a little giftette in that I am making for a chum :-)
We had a fabulous number of peeps play along with us last month, and I hope you will pop over to see the gorgeous creations my Teamies have made for you to see, and maybe even play along with us this month.
Just remember - it says Anything POES, so your project must be related to Edgar Allan Poe or his works in order to qualify for the Prize. :-)
See you later and thank you for dropping by xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Challenges I am entering:
Smudgy Antics - Alter a Box
Charisma Cardz Challenge #18 - Black, White and 1 other colour (mine is green)
Crafty Ribbons Challenge #45 - No Design(er) Paper
Papercrafting Journey - Anything Goes
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Good Morning Peeps, and welcome to Bit By The Bug Tuesday :-D

Today is a new release day over at CREATIVE BUG ON THE LOOSE and I was lucky enough to be given the new digis to work with. Naomi is still on 'Sicky Squad' and her Blog is being managed by the wonderful LISA over at DECOSSE's DYNAMITE DOODLES. Lisa started a special thing .... to get us to make cards for Naomi to hopefully cheer her up and also let her know we are all rooting for her :-) If you would like to join in there go HERE... scroll down a bit and you will see a message from Lisa giving the instructions on what to do :-) You can make a card up to 12th May, when Lisa will then post them all on a special Blog Post. Mine's in and the actual card it making it's way to Naomi by the proverbial 'Donkey Mail' :-D
So... back to my creations..... the new digi is called "The Flockers" and I made two projects.
My first is a Bob Voyage card. This image seemed to say to me that it would be great for a journey, so I put them on a holiday type background, added a compass coz I figured they would be going South, made a post card and then coloured the images with Copics, cut them out and mounted them with foam pads. I also added a tiny flock of birds that was a freebie from Digital Stamp Design. To get yours go HERE.

Today is a new release day over at CREATIVE BUG ON THE LOOSE and I was lucky enough to be given the new digis to work with. Naomi is still on 'Sicky Squad' and her Blog is being managed by the wonderful LISA over at DECOSSE's DYNAMITE DOODLES. Lisa started a special thing .... to get us to make cards for Naomi to hopefully cheer her up and also let her know we are all rooting for her :-) If you would like to join in there go HERE... scroll down a bit and you will see a message from Lisa giving the instructions on what to do :-) You can make a card up to 12th May, when Lisa will then post them all on a special Blog Post. Mine's in and the actual card it making it's way to Naomi by the proverbial 'Donkey Mail' :-D
So... back to my creations..... the new digi is called "The Flockers" and I made two projects.
My first is a Bob Voyage card. This image seemed to say to me that it would be great for a journey, so I put them on a holiday type background, added a compass coz I figured they would be going South, made a post card and then coloured the images with Copics, cut them out and mounted them with foam pads. I also added a tiny flock of birds that was a freebie from Digital Stamp Design. To get yours go HERE.
Then I got an idea about where they might be going, so I made a 3D project and call it 'Flocker Island' Here they are just arriving.
This time I coloured them digitally and printed them out twice - once on the 'flip, so they would look as good from the back. I also did the same with a palm tree, cut out a few extra leaves to stick on for 3D effect, and then mounted it on a pipe cleaner. I stuck it into some clay in a small plastic dish and then put some tiny pebbles from the beach round the bottom. It would look great with some blue water in it too but I think my clay might suffer a bit.
The tree stands about 7" tall, so I enlarged my Flockers to suit. The two halves of the image are sandwiched together on a wire so the birds kind of dingle around a bit in the breeze :-D. The smallest was a right little 'Flocker' to cut out and paste together round his wire !!! LoL
Here's a closer peek.
I think they work equally well in bright colours - it's such a versatile little image :-)
Well - there you have it.... why not pop over the CREATIVE BUG and get yours.
See you a bit later :-D xxxxxxxxxx
Challenges I am entering:
Make My Monday - Anything That Flies
Make It Monday - Anything Goes
Challenges for Everybody #19 - Anything Goes
OSATT #162 - Anything Goes
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Me again on a Wednesday.... shock, horror !!!! :-D
I am fighting to find my Mojo and this morning I went Blog hopping - desperately searching for inspiration.... well not exactly coz there is always mahoosive amounts of gorgeous creations for inspiration........ but maybe I was searching for my Mojo... Anyhow, I found a lady who made the most fantastic pyramid card and I just had to try it. This also fitted with the latest Challenge at Scribbles Designs # 4 which is asking for a 'Shaped Card'
I used papers from Sizzix, 'Little Sizzles' pads and plain white cardstock. The image is "Mr Wool 3" from Scribbles Designs by Sandy, and he was put on with silicone to make him pop up a bit. I then cut some daisies and a butterfly with Silhouette and put them round the side with some die-cut swirlies :-D Voila !!!!
I am fighting to find my Mojo and this morning I went Blog hopping - desperately searching for inspiration.... well not exactly coz there is always mahoosive amounts of gorgeous creations for inspiration........ but maybe I was searching for my Mojo... Anyhow, I found a lady who made the most fantastic pyramid card and I just had to try it. This also fitted with the latest Challenge at Scribbles Designs # 4 which is asking for a 'Shaped Card'
I used papers from Sizzix, 'Little Sizzles' pads and plain white cardstock. The image is "Mr Wool 3" from Scribbles Designs by Sandy, and he was put on with silicone to make him pop up a bit. I then cut some daisies and a butterfly with Silhouette and put them round the side with some die-cut swirlies :-D Voila !!!!
Now - this is not a patch on the fabulous creation by the lady I found this morning but I quite enjoyed my first pyramid. Unfortunately, since I found her, my computer did a stupid glitch thing and the page I had open with her details disappeared when I had to re-start, so I can't tell you her details at the moment :-( Sorry about that, but I will go search and see if I can find her again. She gave this brilliant Tutorial on how to make this card. I will update later when I find her OK ? :-)
YaY - I FOUND HER..... ANNETTE IN OZ... she's got a fabulous TuT there but you just gotta' see her creation.... it sooooo rocks !!!! :-D
Challenges I am entering:
Scribbles Designs Challenge #4 - Shaped or Easel Cards
Crafts & Me Challenge #131 - Floral Frenzy
Creative Belli Challenges #168 - Spring ... I got a Spring 'lamb' (well I am sure Mr Wool feels like a lamb hahahaha) + daisies. Pretty Spring-ified to me :-D :-D
Penny's Papercrafty Challenge #125 - Animals
Ruby's Rainbow Challenges #53 - Furry Friends.... yes I know he is 'woolly' but he sure looks friendly :-D
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