They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England 's foam.

RIP Dad and THANK YOU xxxxx
He will always be in your heart and prayers, Ike. Like my dad. And maybe our dads now are sharing a coffee together in heaven. Hugs, my friend.
ReplyDelete♥♥♥♥ We will remember them ♥♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful tribue to your Dad! Beautiful blog post and photo!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous scrapbook page!