The weather is very cloudy today so no playing in the garden and it's a bit too dingy to be able to paint the bedroom walls - I won't be able to see if I have good coverage - so today I am having a play in my craft room.
Here's my first card of the day made with images from BECCY's PLACE.
I snagged this Free mason jar and put it with one of Beccy's cats from the " CAT'S MEOW " set.
I printed the kitty twice - one time a big bigger - so that his head is bigger to allow for the refraction of the glass jar.
Inside I have also used the CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRIES from BECCY.
I used paw print backing papers by ERIN CROUCH STUDIO - At The Zoo Set available from PIXEL SCRAPPER, and THE COTTAGE MARKET - Free Pawprint Papers.
I also followed the Sketch over at Beccy's MAY Challenge, but I flipped it to Landscape.
I am playing with some other stuff to enter more Challenges so I'll catch you all later.
Thanks for popping in :-)
Challenges I am entering: