Wednesday 27 November 2013


Hello Faithful Peeps,

I am here to celebrate my 3 year Blog-Aversary :-) I am almost up to 300 Followers too - which is awesome.
It seems not that long ago that I took my first tentative steps into BlogLand and now look at me - 3 years on, several DT positions and running my own Challenge Blog :-D
I have met so many lovely people here in cyber space and I really enjoy finding out what everyone is doing, learning new stuff and taking part in Challenges.
So to celebrate and give back to you what you give to me - I shall offer you this selection of Blog Candy.
I photographed it in bunches, but it is ALL one big Candy package for the lucky winner :-D

Oki Doki. if you'd like a chance to go in the Draw for this package, you must be a Follower on my little Bloggy here (please don't just follow and then drop off after the Draw coz I hate that !!!) AND leave me a little bitty comment down below here, and I will enter all the names for Mr Random Thingy to pick on  30th NOVEMBER 2013. If we get to hit over 300 Followers by then too I may well throw in some extra Goodies :-D (No pressure there then hahahaha LoL ). Please feel free to Post a pickie on your sidebars too if you so desire :-D

Thank you for being out there for me and with me :-D


  1. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Oh, Wow!!! Congrats on the 3 years and almost 300 followers - that's fabulous! I enjoy your blog very much! Your candy looks delicious and I'll be posting it on my blog for you later today - thank you!

  3. Wow!! I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Congrats to you!!!

  4. Congrats on the 300 and 3 years your art work is awesome you are a very talented artist Hugs Ginny x

  5. Happy Blogiversary! You do amazing work, so I am not surprised to see how many followers you have, you rock! Most important, you are enjoying it! (I have only been doing this 20 months, and love it too. Thanks for the kind visits, and I will let you know how the envelope board works out! Winnie#55

  6. Congrats on 3 years and 300 followers. I'm a follower and have popped this on my sidebar.

  7. Congrats!!!! You Are so talented, lots of love and hugs.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win this candy!

  8. Happy 3rd Bloggerversary, you made me think, you are the second or third recently, and I looked and found my blog was recently 4 years old - have never really thought about it! I only have 93 followers though! I'm not sure you should enter me for the candy, or if you do pick a second because I have a lot of it, there are some bits I would pick out for me!
    Cazzy x

  9. You are almost in 300!!! Congrats for so many followers :)
    Thanks for the chance with this candy, yum!
    Ardilla :)

  10. 10 More to go! Congratulations! from that gal with a dog who has a big butt!

  11. Happy anniversary my dear friend! You have provided so much inspiration to me personally in the last year I've known you and I am so grateful for your friendship as well. Congrats on all your well deserved success!!!


  12. Congrats on hitting your three year make, I am happy to have found you thanks to the free digi stamps blog! Hitting 300 followers in 3 years is a great accomplishment, you have a lot to be proud of. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing. Congrats and good luck on the next 3 years:)

  13. Congrats on the 3 year anniversary!!! Awesome. You are sooo close to the 300 mark... hope you reach it. I have posted the picture on my sidebar ;o)

  14. Congrats on your 3 year birthday x. Great give away xxx.

  15. Woot!! Congrats on 3 years!!! How exciting!!

  16. Oh you are really close to your 300 mark. Congratulations on your 3 years! I just became a follower.

  17. congrats on 3 years! thanks for the chance to win!!

  18. YIPPEE!! I can't even imagine hitting my 3 year blogiversary :) Congrats! I follow you already & I truly enjoy your creations ~

  19. Congrats on your 3 year blogaversary! =)
    I would love to enter your giveaway and are a follower since a while back! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  20. Congrats on your 3 year blog anniversary....may you have many more years...i'm your new follower and would love to enter this pretty giveaway..thanks for the chance to win!!!

  21. congrats on 3 years of blogging :) What a wonderful stash you have there too. I hope you hit 300 soonxxxxxxxx

  22. Congratulations for completing 3 years of blogging. Hope you must have enjoyed the time. I am your new follower. Loved being here and thanks for offering such a great candy. Love

  23. Congrats on completing 3 years of blogging :) I'm your newest (297th) follower :D very close to 300!! yay!! congrats on that too!! I have shared the pic on my sidebar.. hope that brings u more followers... and thanks for sharing this wonderful candy!!
    Moxie Craftie

  24. Hi Ike! So glad you've had a fabulous 3 years! I've only known (and loved!!!) your work since earlier this year and love being able to play with your art! Thanks so much for the amazing comment you left on my 'gothed up Alice' on my blog today, so glad you liked it! And for all the other comments I've received from you since we 'met' here in cyberland! You are always so enthusiastic about projects using your work, I know I'm incredibly enthusiastic when I get to use your art! Your candy looks wonderful, so generous of you! Best of luck in getting to your 300 followers! love mo xxx

  25. Congrats on the BIG 3. With many more to come. Thanks 4 all u have given. Such a creative mind u have. Hugs from the Oregon coast.

  26. Happy 3rd Bloggerversary!
    You are almost in 300!!! Congrats!
    /I just posted on my blog too! Let someone else win! /

  27. Ike,
    Happy 3rd Blogger-Versary! And way to go on almost 300 followers! I will post about you every where I can, we just gotta get you up to that 300 mark! I would love to be in the Random draw for some of your blog candy! I can never have enough candy right! I will try to get your pix up on both of my blogs, things are different now and I don't understand how to post pix on my side bar? But I will make a blog post for sure!

  28. Congrats on your 3rd Blogger-Versary! WTG on getting close to your 300 followers. I know you will make it. I would love to be entered to win. I have been a long time follower so you know I'm not going to drop out! :) Huggles~Patti

  29. Wow Congrats on your 3 years. I have a long way to go to get to that point but have been a follower of yours for a while. Love your cards. Didn't know you were so busy with all the DT work. congrats on that as well. Would love to be entered into the chance to win such great blog candy. Thanks for that chance.
    Linda K.

  30. Hi Ike, I am already a follower. I hope you have 300 soon. Congrats! Edwina Brown

  31. Congrats Suzy. What an accomplishment. You have come along way since that first blog post. I'm loving your challenges too. Thanks for this opportunity to win such fab candy.

  32. Congrats on your 3 years of up and running.......but most of all I want to thank you for the wonderful images that you have at Stitchy Bear Digital Stamp Outlet Store!
    ¸..• ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.•´ .•´¨¨))*((¸¸.•´ ..•´
    Shell in Alaska

  33. Congrats on your Blogaversary, well done you, your blog is great and you are just about ready to hit 300 followers. It won't be long until you are there. Great giveaway, thank you for the chance to win. Hugs, Jen xx
    Krafty Keepsakes

  34. I'm NUMBER 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Wow 3 years! I am number 301... Congrats. Thanks for a chance to win.

  36. Daddy Needs Some CANDAAAAAYYYY! Great blog... found you via Kristy!!!

  37. Congrats for this 3 years end THANKS!!

  38. Hello Ike. Gongrat to 3 years bloggerversay and for so many followers.
    Love your creations .I am your new follower.
    I addet the gorgeous candy on my sidebar.
    Gr Elly

  39. Congratulations on turning 3 :) - Will be playing along in some of your challenges soon. - Monica

  40. Hi dear! I wish you a so Happy Blogaversary!! What a lovely blog and wonderful candy! Your work is really marvelous! All inspires here. I'm a new follower and I've posted this lovely goodies on my sidebar. Thank you so much for this lovely chance! God bless! :D Ukka

  41. Thank u for being here. Congrats on 3 yrs and to many more. Love your art.

  42. I wish you a so Happy Blogaversary!! I am so happy to find this blog and I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Riliska. xx

  43. Congratulations!!! Most people don't stick with blogging that long, so kudos to you! Lovely candy - thanks for the chance to win! :)

  44. thanks for the chance, will take part with pleasure

  45. Oh well done Ike on both the 3 year Anniversary and also breaking the 300 followers mark! Great candy and I'd love to join in please.

    Hugs, Di xx
