Saturday 30 November 2013


Hi Peeps,

Are you all getting excited about my Blog Candy draw ????  It stays open until midnight tonight and then I will draw the lucky Winner tomorrow :-)

Anyhoo - today is not a good day for me as I lost one of my beloved Kitties last night due to poisoning, so I have immersed myself in some crafting of little frivolities.
Now - I have many, many digi stamps from SLIEKJE... who gives away her digital cuties for FREE. !!!! She just loves drawing them. I know she is also a cat lady coz she has some gorgeous photos of them on her blog header.
But I digress.... I snagged me this little cutie the other day and decided to colour him up and use him. I used Copics and  Stickles to give him some bling and the paper and border are snippets from my box :-)

I've got some other bits to show you, so I will be back later :-)

Challenges I am entering:

Winter Wonderland Challenge - A Christmas Mouse
Crafty Catz Challenge #209 - Santa Claus is Coming (mine is a Mouse LoL)
Stamping For Pleasure - Rudolph Day November


  1. So sorry to hear about your kitty. Sending hugs your way.

    Your card is beautiful! I enjoy Sliekje's designs too.

  2. I'm so sorry too, about your little kitty.That is so sad to think he was poisoned..I love your little mouse here..gorgeous colouring and sparkle..what a fabulous the bell on his tail.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Hi Ike . .. .oh my goodness me . . . I am so sorry to hear your sad news (I just emailed you before I saw this).

    A very sweet little card.

    Sarn xxx

  4. So sorry to hear about your cat, what a horrible thing to happen. I'm glad that you were able to absorb yourself in this lovely little card. x

  5. Oh Ike, the delight of a huge number of entries into the Playground has been so dulled by the loss of your kitty, Sending you love and hugs. And I do adore your snippets card but am also very sad :(

    Hugs, and more hugs, Di xx

  6. Such a cute wee mouse, fab colouring, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week, Jac x

  7. I love this card Ike!
    Thanks for playing in our "Christmas Card" Challenge #81!
    Sandi ♥
    DT Coordinator for Pattie's Creations Challenge!
    and Pattie's shop
    Home of Pattieboop and Allie!

  8. Ahhh,,,this one is even cuter than the are on a cutie pie streak!

  9. Totally gorgeous such a sweet mouse a perfect entry for the Winter Wonderland challenge this week, thank you for joining us
    Hugs Kate x
    ps I have candy if you are interested :)

  10. So sorry to hear about your cat - they become family members & are much loved. Sending big hugs
    Debs x

  11. This is perfect for our current challenge “Christmas Card” at Pattie’s Creations. What a cute image too! Thanks for joining us!
    Pattie ♥
    at Pattie's Creations Design Challenge!

  12. So super cute!! Thanks for joining YNS this month!! :) :)

  13. Super cute card Ike. Great coloring and so sweet! Great Christmas card and thanks for sharing it with us in the Pattie's Creations challenge. So sorry to hear about your Kitty! Hugz - extra ones!

  14. I am so sorry that you lost one of your fur babies. It is never easy to lose our extended family members. It is good that you were able to dive into some crafting to help you process everything. The card you created is so darling. The fur is so life like and you could almost reach out and touch the fuzz on the hat. Such sweetness.

    Know that you continue to be in my thoughts.


  15. lovely card, thanks for sharing with us at CRAFTY CATZ x Carol

  16. So sweet, and I love all the sparkle! Thanks for playing along in the YNS challenge!
    (And I'm so sorry for the loss of you kitty.... HUGS!)

  17. So sorry for your loss.
    A sweet card with all the sparkles. Thank you for joining in November's YNS challenge.
