Wednesday 27 November 2013

WOYWW # 234

Happy Wednesday Peeps, and welcome to WOYWW #234 as hosted by the lovely JULIA. If you don't know what this is all about then pop over HERE and have a look.

Well - mine today is more like What's UNDER Your Workdesk - I have just finished a mahusive order of Chrimbo cards and at least I have started to tidy up.... I emptied the bin  !!! I daren't show you the top of the desk - or the rest of the room for that matter coz there is stuff everywhere !!!  I will post pictures of some of the cards a bit later on :-)

I will start the tidy up today so that I can get my Mojo better from it's totally frazzled state ... hahaha !!!

I did get a chance to relax a bit and produce something for the Rock n Rolla Challenge over at SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM... the song this time is 'Doom & Gloom' by the Rolling Stones.  I drew a digi of Mick and used other elements from Smeared Ink to complete my piece.

Items Smeared Ink items used:
'Specimen Jar' 
'Void' from the Absent Corner paper set
'Triple Hearts' from the Bloody Valentine set.

OK - that's it for now.... I hope you will pop over to JULIA's place and hop your way around the world with WOYWW #234.  See you later.

Oh yeah..... I got Blogiversary Candy up above and my new Challenge Blog is at IKE'sWorld Challenges and there's a Freebie there to play along with :-D 

Challenges I am entering:
Rock n Rolla - Rolling Stones Doom + Gloom
Smudgy Antics - Anything Goes


  1. Well an untidy work desk is definitely a sign of great things on the productive and creative sign. So keep it untidy lol. Love your creation, very arty.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. It feels good to tidy up after a creative binge, doesn't it? Your Mick artwork is very clever!
    Thanks for dropping by,
    RosA # 4

  3. Love your artwork, just fabulous. Boy you must have been busy to make that mess, I very impressed. Such a shame you have to clean up after such fun.
    Have a great week,
    Von #27

  4. Eeek . . . do you KNOW what you just did to my inner neat-freak Ike? It FREAKED big time! Right, that's it . . . I'm catching a plane to come tidy up for you!

    Oh, and your Jagger project is TERRIFIC.

    Sarn xxxx

  5. All people that create make a mess! wonderful digi of Mick I love the brilliant chaos around the image price less love it!! Ginny♥

  6. Morning Ike, Thanks for stopping by earlier . With a December daily album you fill it in everyday with different things about Christmas & what you have done each day. Happy woyww Jill #45

  7. Frazzled would be my reaction...but what a marvelous creation of Mick...sometimes genius wrecks havoc. Be well Carole #67

  8. Haha! Your under-desk makes me smile so much. Good to know I'm not alone :) Hope your mojo is back in full flow soon
    So good to be back desking this week,

  9. Wow, Ike Mick never looked better! Awesome! I am chuckling at your "under" the desk as I have a desk like now! Enjoy the week!! Winnie#74

  10. There's nothing quite like the sight of a thoroughly messy desk after a good whirlwind of creative making! Thank you for sharing, Ike, and for stopping by this week! I don't think I've ever been to your shop, so will have to go take a peek . . .

    Happy WOYWW to you!
    #13 this week
    with another advent calendar!

  11. I saw the Rolling Stones in concert in St. Louis many many years ago--love your Mick artwork piece!! Under the workdesk can be equally important, you've been busy! Thanks for your visit today. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #16

  12. I'm glad you've had a chance for lots of creativity! It's too bad there aren't clean-up fairies who put everything away for us while we're sleeping. :-) I like your digital art -- you've got the iconic Mick lips down pat. Happy WOYWW (and thanks for visiting.) ~ Laura #77

  13. oh Ike I do love your digital work. This is a fabulous creation with so much to look at :D Thank you for sharing it with us at Smudgy Antics.

    I am always grateful to see other peoples work spaces are just as bad as mine LOL
    Much love my friend xxxxxx

  14. You drew that yourself!!! Amazing! Am so impressed with the drawing and the whole picture is fabulous.
    Thanks for sharing - untidy desk/floor - who cares! Santa won't.
    Hugs and thanks for the earlier visit, Neet xx 23

  15. Wow, your Mick digi is amazing, plans for more I hope? love all the elements that made it onto you piece. spot on xx

  16. Well you desk certainly shows how busy you have been. Excellent artwork. Thanks for visiting earlier. Kate x #64

  17. Your Mick is fab! Love to see all the creativity going on Peg R #83

  18. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing. xx Jan (85)

  19. Well I don't think you hid it all that well, I can see lots of creativity going on!! Thanks for visiting already. Helen 34

  20. Oh, Ike, I'm not gonna lie, my mojo would be frazzled in that mess, too! But my goodness, what a stunning creation you made showcasing Mick and the Stones!! Wowza! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!! Thanks for the visit to me!! Hugs, Darnell

  21. Hi Ike yes I think you win the prize for the messiest desk do far this week...... Great work with the mick jagger thing fab

  22. Great artwork, and believe me there is nothing at all wrong with a messy desk.....It may even inspire your next masterpiece... Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a great week and happy crafting DeDe #42

  23. I love it when Wednesday becomes 'I'll show you my mess if you'll show me yours' :-)
    A x #43

  24. Your artwork is simply stunning Ike ... I can just about stick two pieces of card together but give me a pencil or paints and I'm lost! Thanks for visiting my blog this week ... I'm afraid I am obsessed with making those poinsetta's at the moment ... got a feeling I will be sticking them on my parcels this year too! Love to you, Debbie #56 xXx

  25. LOL! Reminds me of my creative mess ;-) My soaps have the candy cane sweet embedded in the top so it just pops off after a few washes. The crushed bits do soften a bit but they act as a gentle exfoliant too! #53

  26. I totally love your RNR project! It so rocks!

  27. Thanks so much for visiting Ike, I've had a good snoop around here and you other blogs, your shop OH MY, what a talented creative artist your are, and your work desk fit you perfectly, how could you be tidy when you always creating something wonderful and that's OK.. Your Mick creation is fantastic, I loooooove your raven tag, being a Magpie, this will be an exciting place to visit, so many birds around, thanks for sharing, I hope you have a wonderful weekend...

  28. Eeckkk... it's Friday already - I guess I am a bit late touring the woyww-folks... I do love seeing your 'mess', and trying to spot the things that are recognizable to me, like ink pads and a mug :)
    Oh, and if you love creating to the music/lyrics/songs... I invite you to join my annual top 2000 blogparty, thé event on my blog in December... read about it (post from last year) here:

  29. Wow Ike, this is amazing, your Nick is stunning and love how you've used the layers!!!! LOL, sounds like your studio is in the same state as my studio ;0) Thanks for playing with us over at Smudgy Antics and don't forget that the challenges are moving over to the Smeared and Smudged Forum starting Dec 1st :0)

  30. I seem to be able to make a huge mess just to make one card. No wonder yours is bad!
    Bit late visiting this week, thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Karen #59

  31. Mick looks awesome here Ike. A wonderful concoction of images. Thank you for sharing your art with us at our last bloggy Smudgy Antics challenge

  32. this is so great! I love your Mick! I'm so happy to see so many awesome peices in the RnR challenge! I love that you all were inspired by the video! and this is perfect! oh and thanks for joining us at SA too :)

  33. This is so amazing. Just love the drawing and how you did all that digi work...wowoowo! I can see so much from the video. Wonderful piece and so appreciate your entry at Smudgy Antics!

  34. This rocks, Ike! You do amazing work! Thanks for playing with Smudgy antics this fortnight :)

  35. i am very very late this week, sorry. your artwork is stunning.
    thanks for visiting
    famfa 2

  36. Great caricature of Mick. As always a really creative digital design.
