Thursday 17 May 2012

Good Morning and Happy Thursday and a big WELCOME to SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM Members' May  BLOG HOP.

The theme is CONFESSIONS - SMEARED IN INK. With this month's Mother's Day celebration, we thought it would be fun to have a few confessions from our Members.
So, we were challenged to use our art to show something that we had never told our MuM about ourself or something we had done.
My MuM passed away 5 years ago,  so there is no chance of her ever seeing this - not that I think she would have been surprised at what I did in my spare time a few years back now .... snort  !!!!

For my little audience I have used a collection of 'Grumpies' from Smeared Ink of course :-D I duplicated them a coupla times so I could paste them in rows. This is a digital piece since I am still unable to craft.  The frame is made up of bats from the 'Little Bit Batty' set, also from Smeared Ink.

So - there you have it. !! Definitely a sign of a semi mis-spent youth... but it was fun and the money was cool :-D     Now,  I am the last on the Hop list, but if you missed any or got lost along the way... here is the list, so why not hop away and see what my other Forum Sistahs got up to in their murky pasts, or what dark steamy secrets they have been hiding  :-D Tee Hee. 
Blog Hop Roll


  1. HA HA Brilliant Ike! Anything that you can have good memories of can never be that bad :) hope you are back to crafting soon *hugs* xxx

  2. Oh Ike...this is so lovely. I just have to tell you a quick story. I came from FL to a Texas Scrap Rally a few years ago & they brought a pole & put it up. There were so many of the scrappers there learning how to pole dance. It is great exercise & they accidentally put a hole in the ceiling & I don't know if they ended up having to pay for it or not but I guess now you know that us TX women are wild! LOL (I'm too fat to get on that pole but it looked so fun!)

  3. pretty project! like it a lot :)

  4. Love this Ike made me laugh hope you get back to crafting soon xxxx

  5. well cant say that I can relate to that one. at least in front of anyone but my ol man and we've been together for 19 years now. Hell I wouldnt let him turn the light on for the first 5 years. I'm not fat either just very modest I guess. My granny always told everyone she couldnt figure out how I got knocked up cause I was so modest. Well granny it was dark. hahaha. I have a few dancer friends and I love what they do and wish I could have too. I think it's awesome.
    I'll tell you something my grandpa used to always tell me
    "Girl your sitting on a goldmine, you shouldnt be broke"
    thanks for sharing Ike. I love your work and damnit heal up so you can come out and play

  6. Well Ike...what can i say? GOOD FOR YOU! Do you remember when Tori got my blog addy wrong and it went to a glamourous pole dancer...oh how i wish i had the nerve..or figure!
    It is wonderful to see you creating again... hope your hand heals soon much love always xxx

  7. OMG I want to tell you so much right now but I wont, Ima email you. I love your project, and how the Grumpies are ooo'ing and awe'ing! this is so great! I am so happy that you showed balls and put it out there!! There is not a damn thing wrong w/ being a stripper! Yep the money is good!! I too hope your thumb hurries and heals! I miss all your wonderful craftiness!

  8. Love this piece! You are rocking the digital world, woman! Hope you're healing up well & soon. Am certain the money was good and at least stripping is legal, plus you didn't have to hook up unless you wanted to . As a condom-carrying ex-hooker, there were just smattering of men that I liked being with, but it was lucrative, the hours short, and I could buy lots of pretty things to forget LOL. Thanks for sharing with us. hugs, Di

  9. Love this piece and the story!!!!

  10. AWESOME Ike! The whole image is fun! Good for you to dance out there & be proud of your cool money earning days! :) My BFF danced too & she invested her $$ and is an incredible business woman! :) Thanks for sharing! Hope you are healing soon...although your digi cards are awesome - just like the hand made ones! :)

    Sandy S

  11. Oh the stories you could tell . . . I'm sure!

    This little glimpse into your past is FASCINATING woman! You are one courageous lady.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  12. Good for you Ike, it's a great story and the piece you made is so fun, love it

  13. LAMO! FANTASTIC!..... I bet you had a blast! and you were obviously very good at it...... just look at the looks on the faces of the Grumpies LOL

    Cool piece Ike...good to see you getting back to crafting :)

  14. I knew you'd have a good confession! Haha....what I wouldn't give to sit with you for a couple of hours (of days) and hear all the experiences you've had. Love the silhouette and that you used the Li'l Grumpies for the crowd! I so glad you got to join us and hope your mending thumb is starting to feel better!


  15. Brilliant creation! I love the audience of Grumpies with their big, bulging eyes! Perfect! The black and white with a pop of color by the silhouette is fabulous! Your confession rocks! I would love to hang with you some day :)

  16. fantastic Ike, really cool, love all the grumpies, and the batty border is cool
    hope your arm will heal pretty soon
