Thursday 31 March 2011


Hello again lovely Peeps,

I have an announcement........ I have been picked for the Design Team on FOREVER FRIENDS MONTHLY CHALLENGE BLOGSPOT and I am soooo chuffed. Don't you just LUV those little bears. ?? I suppose now though I am going to have to put my 'cute + cuddly' hat on for my FF Challenge entries and definitely move the Dark Half stuff to it's own Blog or my FF teddies will be well traumatised. LoL
To think that at the beginning of this year I was not even thinking about being a Design Team Member and now I am on 3. WOWZA. I am having great fun. Please pop over and have a look at the site and there is Fornightly Challenge too. The DTs are really talented ladies and are bound to give you some inspiration. :-)
Thanks again for choosing me Girls - I am honoured. :-) :-)   ( Doing a little dance here)  .. LoL


  1. Congratulations on your Forever Friend DT place.
    Hugs, Sandra

    PS : Just looked at the post below this one and nearly fell off my chair in fright! LOL!

  2. Wow congrats Ike well done yep FF are so cute thankyou for your lovely comments on both my blogs
    Jacki xx

  3. Congrats, Ike! I'm kinda laughing after that HDH post. Hey, we're chameleons. That's a good thing. xxD
