Thursday 31 March 2011

LARF .....

I tell you .... I've just found something that made me laugh my socks off. I got it from the Blog of one of my new followers Jacki  (check out her Blogs - she has a great tutorial one as well).
Anyway, it was a link to find your Fairy name. (Check out Jacki's Blog and you can get yours) I ended up becoming  Feather Saturnwand hahahaha - doesn't that just conjure up an image - especially as I was just blogging today that I don't DO cuddly+cute and fluffy stuff - well not with ease anyway. ! It just made me chortle, and now I'm off to draw an image of myself under that guise. Watch this space....  


  1. Hi Ike . . . thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving nice comments! Much appreciated.
    Regarding GLOSSY ACCENTS . . . here's a link so you can see what it is . .

    All the best,

  2. Feather? Hyuk hyuk hyuk. Can't help it but the first thing that came to mind is CHICKEN! ROFL

  3. Me again Ike . . . in answer to your question about Harriet . . . YES, she is a Light Sussex like your girls. Fancy having 8 of the little garden trashers . . . I have trouble enough with my 2!!!
    Hugs, Sandra

  4. Hi Ike
    Thanks for your lovely comments about my challenge card - it's always good to hear what other people think of my little crafty things :o)

    About the Blog Mog, I found it purely by chance on another blog and just clicked on the link and followed the steps (if I remember right it was a bit of an ordeal to get it but worth it - if you have sound you can hear it purring!) I'm sad, I know! lol
    Thanks again, pop back soon
    Hayley xx
