Tuesday 24 October 2017


Hello Peeps,
Here I am on Day 2 of the fur-bulous CAT LOVERS' BLOG HOP 2017, as hosted and arranged by the wonderful JANIS over at HER PEACEFUL GARDEN.
This is the 3rd year that Janis has published this event and it seems that every year more of us cat lovers and taking part.
This is also my 3rd year of participation and this year's Prize from me is a brand new cat set that I drew especially for Janis.

Each day of the Hop there will be one of these new kitties to win from this set in a special game Janis has devised. The Game for Day 2 is to share something Funny/Cute that your cat does.

Here is a piece I have made using today's kitty prize from the set.
This image was drawn of my little cat WIDGET. Unfortunately she suffered brain damage during an operation and really was a bit of a 'Basket Case'. She really loved this fruit basket and would cram herself in there. 
She later developed a really bad case of tail dysmorphia, so we had to cut it off. She was so much happier afterwards though and had a much more relaxed and stress free life - bless her. She passed away last year R.I.P  little Widget xxxxx

Backing papers are again  from one of my favourite sites with many Freebies... MEINLILAPARK.

Janis has an amazing number of fantastic Sponsors this year and there are loads of Prizes, so why not pop over and join in the cat fest :-D  You will find the start of the Hop here:   MAIN HOP PAGE


  1. Ah bless what a lovely image and fabulous card Ginny x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  2. Oh, how sweet! RIP, little Widget. She is totally purrecious, Ike! Love your coloring. So much texture. xxD dlmundinger(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  3. Thanks for sharing Widget's story! Your card is adorable and
    love the papers you used, too.
    rebyah1 @ gmail dot com USA

  4. so cute--love your coloring.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com USA

  5. Im so sorry about widget.
    Your card is so nice!
    love it!

  6. Sweet image...love what you did with it....the colored basket and layering on the pretty white edge. Good job!

    Beverly S
    theladystamper2000atyahoodotcom USA

  7. Ok, I admit it... I giggled when you said she was a basket case! RIP Widget! Cute digi and card!!

  8. Aww... Widget. I think this card of her purrfectly fits the cat mantra of: if it fits, I sits.

  9. OMGoodness, Ike, this image is too funny! I have an almost identical photo of my Kiwi as a kitten squeezing into a basket like this! Precious! Love your card! I am so sorry to read about your little Widget, my heart goes out to you.

  10. So sorry to hear about little Widget's troubles but she was lucky to have you to care for and love her. This image of her squeezed into a too-small basket is so like a cat!

  11. Your story really breaks my heart ! I would have loved to meet your Midget. How old was she when she passed away?

  12. Awwwwww! Widget looked like a beautiful kitty, bless you for caring for so many fur babies <3 Hugs!
    StampinDiva {at} yahoo {dot} com

  13. I do love that image, Ike. I think it may be one of your best! Poor Widget. I can tell she made a place for herself in your heart.

  14. Darling card! Sounds like Widget was a sweetheart!

  15. Aw Widget looks like such a sweet kitty - so sorry you lost her! Gorgeous card, so sweet squishing into the basket, cats so love to do that don't they? xxx
    smith dot craftychris at gmail dot com uk

  16. Gorgeous card, love the pretty red basket- and the kitty! thealteredpaper@gmail USA

  17. I love this image, Ike - the smaller the basket, the better it seems! Love how you coloured the cat and basket. I was so sorry to read about your kitty, Widget, though, bless her - I can tell she holds a special place in your heart! x

  18. Ike, this is gorgeous. Love this image and your coloring.

  19. I had so much fun coloring this fabulous image, Ike, even though my rendition was Siamese! Glad to know abt the kitty who inspired this piece. Your coloring is simply superb. Thank you for sharing the story behind it. Your little Widget went through a lot and sounds like she was a real sweetie!! So cute that she loved to sleep in this basket. I always say that a box that is two sizes too small for a cat is just the right size! Cats are so funny.

    Thank you for sponsoring and for joining us in the #CatLoversHop2017!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com
