Monday 23 October 2017


Hello Peeps,
Here I am on Day 1 of the fur-bulous CAT LOVERS' BLOG HOP 2017, as hosted and arranged by the wonderful JANIS over at HER PEACEFUL GARDEN.
This is the 3rd year that Janis has published this event and it seems that every year more of us cat lovers and taking part.
This is also my 3rd year of participation and this year's Prize from me is a brand new cat set that I drew especially for Janis.

Each day of the Hop there will be one of these new kitties to win from this set in a special game Janis has devised. The Game for Day 1 is called "Kitty Roll Call" and the idea is to leave a comment naming all your kitties :-)
I shall be popping in to name most of my 23 cats  :-D  LoL

Here is a piece I have made using today's kitty prize from the set.

Backing papers are from one of my favourite sites with many Freebies... MEINLILAPARK.

Janis has an amazing number of fantastic Sponsors this year and there are loads of Prizes, so why not pop over and join in the cat fest :-D  You will find the start of the Hop here:   MAIN HOP PAGE


  1. are so kind, Ike!! Thank you so much for drawing this awesome new set of kitties for the #CatLoversHop2017!! Love the sweet baby in today's card. I really like how you added a patterned print to the cushion. Fab!! Thank you for joining in the festivities again this year!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  2. Love, love, love, love, LOVE! ALL of your new kitties, but this one makes me especially all warm and fuzzy. PURR-ECIOUS baby and the paper is just darling. Thanks for sponsoring again. xxD dlmundinger(at)yahoo(dot)com USA

  3. oh those new cats are so adorable!
    love them all!
    and your card is pawesome!
    love it!

  4. What a great set - you are so talented!
    And your card is so cute. Love how you did the BG, too.
    rebyah1 @ gmail dot com USA

  5. He's a cutie pie! Thanks for your sponsorship of this fabulously fun hop!! dcomer1 at gmail USA

  6. Oh my this is so cute! Love the image and great card! bzscrapper66(at)gmail(dot)com USA

  7. Very cute kitty card. I like the cat face background.
    "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2017 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com
    Sue in Ohio

  8. Marvelous card, Ike, and I adore all the kitties in the prize. I'm so glad you're one of the sponsors of the Cat Lovers Hop. Of course, given the way you and I both love felines so much, I guess it would have been unusual for us not to be there. :-D

  9. Your adorable, sweet kitten card made me go awwwwww! Love how you added those little icons to the background too. Thanks so much for sponsoring the hop with your fabulous kitty digis!

  10. Your card is wonderful. That cat looks so innocent....right, hehe. Thanks for being a sponsor. I have been coloring one of your images earlier today.

  11. Holy Cat Lady - 23 cats?! I thought having four was bad LOL - what an adorable kitty on your card, but, of course, all your kitties (and other images) are purrrrrfect :) xo
    StampinDiva at yahoo dot com USA

  12. A box is the purrfect place for a kittie! Your card is SO cute! What wonderful images to go in the hop too!

  13. wonderful project love the image Ginny x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  14. Love your new cat sets pawsome! And love your little kitty card with the patterns, and the sweet little face!

  15. Pretty and cheerful card....Love your image and the cat patterned papers. Good job! :)

    Beverly S.

  16. Hello, Ike! Yay for the Cat Lovers Hop! Your kitty card is soooo cute and I love your new digi! Thank you for sponsoring the Hop again this year!

  17. What a sweet little darling peeking out from that fancy patterned box.

  18. I LOVE this! I have three all black cats and one little tuxedo and I LOVE to see adorable black kitties! They are so loving and sweet! Really cute card!
    Take Care!

  19. What an adorable set you drew for the hop - how wonderful of you! A adorable card, sooooo sweet! xxx
    smith dot craftychris at gmail dot com

  20. Awe, how cute! I love the dancing cat!! lol

  21. This is an adorable card ! Thanks for being a sponsor for the 2017 Cat Lovers blog hop at Her Peaceful Garden.

  22. Hang on little kitty! Your card is great. Your dancing kitty at the end of your post makes me giggle!

  23. Your kitty card is soooo precious and so is your kitty stamp set! Your dancing cat at the end of your post just cracks me up! FURRbulous to be on this hop with you Ike!
    Leigh S-B
    Proud Hop Sponsor

  24. Thanks for being a sponsor! Love seeing your beautiful designs! Sweet card!

  25. Love this cute creation and thanks for being a super sponsor!

  26. Such a sweet set of new kitty images, Ike! I love the card you made - the backing paper is adorable! Thanks for being a sponsor for the Cat Lovers Hop once again! x

  27. Wow 23 cats!! That's a huge amount lol but then I can imagine how the cuteness is overloaded. Love your cat background of the card and the way you have coloured your purr friend...

    taniyafern at yahoo dot com
