Thursday 19 March 2015


Good Morning everyone and welcome to the March Blog Hop for Smeared & Smudged Members. This time we are doing Alice in Wonderland Madness :-D
March Monthly Member Blog Hop
Ike ---- You are Here

Here is my piece - I made a pop up box using playing cards.

Items used:

DeStempelwinkel Plate 48 - Alice
Smeared Ink "It's About Time" pocket watch
Disney AIW colouring pages
Background - playing cards and 'Hypnopsis'
Spectrum Noir pens
Prismacolour Pencils
clear acetate

So now you are off to the Fabulous FIONA to see what delights she has to show you.
If you get lost, the whole Blog Roll is up above.
If you would like to come and join us at SMEARED & SMUDGED you will find us HERE.

Thanks for dropping by :-D xx

Challenges I am entering:

Smudgy Antics March Challenge - Anything Goes   **WINNER**
Addicted To Stamps #136 - Anything Goes


  1. Gorgeous and fabulous creation Ike thank you for joining us on this week's challenge over at Inspiration Destination
    Dianne x ID DT

  2. Brilliant Ike! A splendiferousness pop up box :-)

    Hedgies are generally self sufficient in Summer. They eat insects,worms,slugs,berries and small fruits. In Greece I believe they would also eat small lizards and even snakes.

    We buy a dried food called Spike's Dinner, as it doesn't attract flies like wet food would.


    Di xx

  3. Fabulous idea it looks brilliant Ginny x

  4. Wonderful, magical box card, I love it.
    Thanks for sharing with us at ATSM. :)

  5. Absolutely flipping BRILLIANT Ike. LOVE IT.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  6. Totally fabulous Ike.... love how you've combined so many images.. and used real playing cards.
    So glad you got your butt into gear this month! love always BDx

  7. AMAZING, Ike! Your box is a veritable Wonderland explosion and the use of the playing cards is beyond brilliant. Love, love, love, love LOVE!!! xxD

  8. This is amazing Ike - I love everything about it!! The images, the colours, the whole crazy explosion of fun - it's just perfect xx

  9. AAAck!!! Love this idea. So tired of those pop up boxes, but you have revived me. Wowo and you rocked this project. Thank you for your FAB entry in this month Smudgy Antics challenge. Shoni, DT

  10. Wow! What a fantastic and fun pop-up card! Love it! Thanks for sharing and joining us at Inspiration Destination. Hope to see you again and good luck!
    IDCB Owner

  11. I love this. Brilliant idea so creative and fun.beautifully made. I love it.

  12. So fun, wonderful images and awesome colors. I love pop up boxes! Super extra fantabulous! Thanks so much for sharing!~kim

  13. WOW! This is such an amazing design with so many details and fun images!! :) Thanks for sharing your creation with us at Addicted to Stamps & More! Hugs & Smiles - *Vicki*-DT member

  14. Ike,
    Marvelous AIW Madness pop box! Love all of your AIW images popping up all over! And the Cheshire Cat sitting up on top (My fav) Grand job here love it!

  15. I've only got two things to say.........................Friggin Fantastic....................well maybe four......................Love it :) xx

  16. Wowza! This is fantastic! I love the way you have combined images from different sources--they all play really well together! Love the use of the playing cards, too!

  17. Oh this is amazing Sue!!! I love the playing cards put together to form the base, love the images and all the bits you've put together - the whole thing is just stunning! Mo x

  18. Oooooooo I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it Ike! I'd love to see you come in and play in my DominoART challenges when the the theme is altering playing cards or Any Game Goes ;0)

  19. Wonderful, Ike! So much work in this piece and made from cards....gracious what an amazing job!! Love, love it!

  20. This is just fabulous! Great use of playing cards! My favourite bit is the Cheshire Cat.

  21. Wow!!! this is a Fabulous pop up box!!! such wonderful details! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Kraftin' Kimmie!

  22. BRILLIANT IKE! So much greatness to look at. Beautifully put together. :)

  23. Oh, Ike, this ROCKS!! I love every single detail, love the colors, love the JOY that just explodes off your photo!! Excellent!! Hugs, Darnell

  24. Wow, so much work clearly went into this, great creation! Thanks for sharing at ATSM this week, Anita x

  25. WOW..gorgeous make :). Thanks for joining in the SAC this month with this fab creation. dt lisa

  26. I completely missed this the first time around but I just saw it over at Inspiration Destination - congrats on your top pick!!! This is absolutely marvelous! Love everything about it - especially that Cheshire Cat! Well done, Ike!

  27. Amazing make - completely love everything about this x

  28. Fabulous pop up box you created, all the details and images work perfectly together!
    Thanks for entering it at Smudgy Antics!
    Hugs, Elenor DT

  29. Beyond fabulous! Thanks for sharing with us at Smudgy Antics Challenges this month!
    Leigh - SI DT

  30. BRILLIANT!!!! This put such a smile on my face :D Thank you for playing along with us at Smudgy Antics xxx

  31. Love this Ike. One day I will figure out how to make one of these. I love all of the different layers of images you used. Awesome job, hope to see you next month.
