Wednesday 4 December 2013

WOYWW #235

Hello Wednesday Peeps,
 Well, here we are again and now we are actually in December !!!! Where has this year gone to ???
For WOYWW #235 I am proud to show you a tidy work area.... in fact my whole room is tidy. !!! Shock - horror !!  I toiled all day yesterday and just had a massive clear out...... a case of "if I haven't used it in the last year - bin it " !!!  I did that with my wardrobe last week :-D
So, anyways.. here's my desk - I took 3 shots across to get it all in :-D

I think I'm pretty early this week so I am off to see who else is up.
If you want to know what all this is about and to go for a snoop around the world to see other people's Workdesks - then pop over to see  JULIA at the STAMPING GROUND.


  1. Good for you having a clean up, thanks for the reminder lol, love the way you took the shots, I thought I was seeing things and tried to straight up the pictures lol
    Bridget #19

  2. I do like how you have your pictures, very effective. I need to clean up as well, but will settle with helping Eliza with her
    Happy crafting, DeDe #8

  3. I can see a Wacom tablet..I have one too, though not as flash as your one!! Sadly I haven't used mine in a while as I have been doing a lot of hands on art. It does make you feel good when the desk is tidy doesn't it..but as soon as we sit down to create, in my house then everything goes everywhere lol!! Happy WOYWW and have a great week!
    Janene #26

  4. I wish I could get rid of many of my art supplies, but I keep thinking I'll need them. Now clothes, I'll get rid of in a heartbeat.

    Love your three shot desk. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

  5. Hullo Ike, fabby shot of the desk!!
    I would not be game to do that :D

    ...and think you and Julia must be drinking the same water with this clean out fad!! Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #10

  6. I will be doing that in 2 weeks when I move everything.. Its great to have a big tidy up hey.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #42

  7. We like having a good clear our. We always find a number of thinks that make us wonder what on earth we ever kept them for!

    The bears@66

  8. Hi Ike - great pics! Love your little pot of random images. Thanks for your visit today - have a great week. MMx #48

  9. Wow, now that's a Panoramic view of your workdesk. What a great shot, there's so much to see :-) Hope you have fun clearing out!
    Hugs, LLJ 36 xx

  10. Congratulations! You know that people are very curious!
    I always enjoy these pictures of you!
    Have a creative inspiration!

  11. I can see that Christmas is in the air at your desk. :} I really like the clever way in which you put together the panoramic view of your desk too. Blessings!

  12. Clever picture taking this week. Well done you for tidying and clearing out. Is it to make room for all those lovely christmas presents.
    Famfa 1

  13. Blimey! Sounds like quite a clear out :o) I did the same thing with my wardrobe last week (if it doesn't fit any more chick it out) ended up with about six garments left - everything else seems to have shrunk!
    Hope you enjoy messing up your space again! Annie #77

  14. Great photos, I just wish I could really have a good clear out and not keep thinking I might just use this and that.

    Jan (84)

  15. Wow! Congratulations on the massive clear-out! That's hard work, but worth it in the end, yes?

    Happy WOYWW to you!
    #28 this week, Christmasing like crazy
    and a free Christmas digi magazine

  16. A tidy desk! This close to Christmas! How did you manage it, lol! I do keep a lot of stuff I have to admit, every few months I have a re-arrange of the drawers and such, doesn't last long before it needs doing again. Of course my knitting paraphernalia has gone from taking up one drawer to five drawers and two large bags in the last year or so too! That doesn't help any! And of course, I turn the wool into garments that have to be stored too!

    Brenda 5

  17. Thanks for the earlier visit Ike.
    I've been through the rest of the house, but I'm putting off the craft area until after the holidays. You could come for a visit and help pry my hands off things I haven't used in say 5 years......LOL
    Krisha #41

  18. Hey Ike, thanks for visiting me earlier. I love the 3 photo shot of your desk, so great to get to see all of your work space..I think I might like a play at your desk. Cx #31

  19. It looks like a card production factory! Where are the elves?
    well done on the big tidy.... I can't part with much. I cleared out a drawer, one draw and it took me hours and I ended up throwing out 4 socks. I could have kept the socks and saved time not tidying!
    Jo x

  20. Your cards are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by #4

  21. Love the desk, especially the cat sat by the monitor, and fabulous stamped images in the middle! I did the clear out thing last Christmas, using pretty much the same reasoning- can't believe how much stuff I'd hoarded, (well, I can actually, I'm a natural squirrel, lol). Have a great week,. Hugs, Shaz #57 xx

  22. I love a good tidy! visiting you is about as close to Greece as I am going to get!
    Thanks for stopping by my place.
    Robyn 15

  23. Wow! That's what I need to do and will do right after the village houses are done. Working with rust is fun and dirty so a regular clean clean up is needed. :) Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #13

  24. Ooooh Lucky you! So busy and fresh to see your lovely workspace. Happy WoYWW !

  25. You go girl, I wish I could be that drastic in cleaning up my craft room. I have made a goal for next year however to use every stamp or least stamp set I own. Your desk looks wonderful. Hope you have a great week! Danie #25

  26. thanks for visiting earlier and your kind comment great photo shot very clever ! have been busy wardrobe then workdesk/room what will next week be !...and it looks wonderful ..was it difficult throwing things out? the christmas cards and tippers ready to use that's a very cute bear I spy with a christmas tree also is that a die on the red green stripey card it looks very intricate .I like that . have a great week and enjoy your new tidy space.plenty of room to make more christmas goodies ...
    crafty hugs Andrea #29

  27. Love how you did that shot! Ahh...a nice clean desk and still so many wonderful goodies to play with! Hugs and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #7

  28. A tidy workspace, on WOYWW, the first week in December? That's like spotting a carrier pigeon! ha, ha Good for you, weeding out stuff you know you won't use. It sure makes it easier to find what you *do* want to use. The cards you have going look great. Hope you're having a great week. ~ Laura #84

  29. That sounds like a very ruthless way of tiding up - I always keep everything - Just incase....
    Bernice #62

  30. Well done on getting rid of stuff - I find it so hard! I hope it went to someone who will appreciate it all. #49

  31. Thanks for stopping by earlier and leaving such encouraging comments. The pyrography doesn't cause a lot of smoke, just a bit of a smell. I have a desk top fan that blows it away from my face. This unfortunately has the effect of cooling the hot wire, so I have to turn the power up when using the fan. Glad you've had a clear up - we all have to do it from time to time, and guess when you'll need something you've just binned?!?! Happy WOYWW, John W #61.

  32. A clever desk this week, the way you put them together. well done on the clear up too
    janet #33

  33. You are so disciplined in your tidying! Whenever I decide to have a clear out I find long forgotten things which I end up keeping because they 'may come in handy one day' and they just get forgotten about all over again! Happy WOYWW :D

  34. I wish I could be as ruthless when clearing out as you.
    Happy Wednesday to you,
    Karin #98

  35. It always feels good to tidy up and rearrange and purge! I just did some rearranging last week. Time to get messy!!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Nancy #97

  36. Looks like a good batch of cards coming along there and I wish someone would tell me the secret of tidy!!! December??? when did that happen!? Have a great crafty week!
    Happy WOYWW #59

  37. Happy WOYWW Ike, I couldn't pass you by! If I got rid of everything I haven't used for a year this room would be so empty! So would my wardrobe, DH has just persuaded me to declutter some, but really not enough!

    I guess I am a hoarder of things, and emotions and the past.

    Cazzy x #73

  38. That's a great panoramic view of your desk! You've got a lot happening there, but I do understand the need to at least think about tidying up, hehe! Have a good week, and thanks for visiting too,
    RosA # 14

  39. A massive clear out..... I always feel so much better for sorting all my craft stuff out! Hope you do as well
    Great view of your desk

  40. Looks like someone is busily making their Christmas cards!!! Bravo! Everything is so colorful on your desk too - love that!

  41. Thanks for your visit earlier, I got some funny looks taking a photo of that notice on New Street station platform but ......

    BIN IT! May one ask where your recycling spirit has gone? lol
    Neat and tidy for how long?? he!he!
    Love the way of knitting the photos together.
    Bishopsmate #68

  42. Great desk shots and so tidy... well done for having a clear out, I should probably do the same...! helen 37

  43. Well girlie, I AM impressed beyond reason... Wardrobes and now craft did y motivate and find time?!! well done you. My wardrobe is prolly alright, but the craft space could really do with an overhaul. Like how you've made the picture panoramic..clever.


  44. Wow - what a nice tidy workspace! Is that the Grinch that I spot? It's so much fun to see everyone's projects but what I also enjoy is seeing all the supplies that people have. It makes me feel good. I'm thinking I need to do a little bit of stocking up in preparation for retirement.... how does that sound as a good excuse to go shopping?!?

    Thank you so much for visiting me already. I knew it would be late in the week before I could do most of my visiting.

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (12)

  45. Nice clean up on your desk!! If you'd like I'll send you the recipe for the fruit bread! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Ginny #18

  46. Clever picture! Enjoy your crafting. x Jo

  47. I'm pretty shocked, indeed *eeeeek* :-) Looks great. I can't remember to have had a tidy desk ever. Have a great weekend, Hugs, Suzanne xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  48. Love the desk but where's the sheep you knitted? I think lots are doing them this year - cool aren't they I have done 11 so far - 4 for the church and the rest just seem to find home as soon as they are finished. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, been knocked sideways yet again and have been struggling this week. BJ#81
