Saturday 7 December 2013


Hello Peeps,
I have been totally slacking in posting my recent stuff for DT work - you know how your life just goes totally to sh$t sometimes and Blogging just has to take a dive ??!!........... so here I am with some stuff ....

Firstly, my pieces for The Path of Positivity - Challenge #9 JOY  (not that I have much just at the moment)  ....

This time we are sponsored by Fresh Brewed Designs
I used ' CHRISTMAS HOLLY' for my first creation

I paper pieced her dress and then coloured the rest of her with Promarkers. The rest of the card was made using bits from my snippets box of Chrimbo bits. I decided to go through and use up some of those things or else you just get huge boxes of snips don't you :-)  ? I did cut her a die cut background but I also used the left-over bit from a previous die cut (the green bit) so I think that cancels out the non-recycling hahaha !!

My second one is made using 'KITTEN IN A MITTEN' and I just love this cute snuggly image :-D

This piece was also made with things from the snippets box. :-) The kitty was coloured with Promarkers and then some added Stickles. I cut him out with fancy scissors and edged it with gold pen.

I have another piece coming up during the midway reminder, so stay tuned for that one.
I hope you will pop over and see what my Teamies have produced, and meet our Guest DT member DONNA.  We hope to inspire you to play along with us with our theme of JOY, and there's a FREE motivational quote  there for you to snag too ! :-D

See you later :-D xxxxx


  1. Both a fabulous cards cute kitty Ginny♥

  2. These are both gorgeous but I bet you can guess which one is my favourite! I love that sweet kitty!!!

  3. Great work Ike . . . spesh as you're not feeling it at the mo!

    Happy weekend.

    PS: Your test comment works!

    Sarn xxxx

  4. Sorry to hear things are not going well. Hopefully the New Year will bring out new beginnings! Great cards. Monica

  5. I love both of these. I hope things are looking up for you soon.

  6. These are both just ADORABLE, Ike! Especially love the kitty in the mitty. 'tis the season to be stressed and bummed out. Hope things turn around for you soon. xxD

  7. Hi Ike! I couldn't agree with Donna more (and I'm Jewish!!!! lol) These two pieces of art are SO cute. I love the bright colors of the first; the paper piercing of the skirt is brilliant - it was challenging decorating the image - you did a great job of making her look smashing! The second is adorable. So squishy and cute and loveable looking. Can I have one of these in my pretend Christmas prezzie please? I love your posts...they always make me smile Ike. You are a complete hoot the way your write. I love your relaxed style and how you write just as though you are talking to us (or at least it feels that way to me.) Did you ever think of comedy??? Hugs and smooches, Samara

    1. Hahaha - so am I !!! Think I'll just close the curtains and wait for it all to go away :-D xxxx

  8. I know that when a person is all bummed out it is difficult to be joyful but your creations are certainly filled with joy. Life can be a challenge and it never works on our schedule only its own. Hope you can hold on to a glimmer of hope and know that there is hope waiting for you on the other side.

