Wednesday 30 October 2013

WOYWW #230

Hello Wednesday Peeps,
Here we are again with WOYWW #230... What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday. This event was started by the marvelous JULIA over at STAMPING GROUND and it's how we spend Wednesdays snooping round other people's work desks all over the world !! Cool Eh ?!!!
Well - I've been away for a few days on a neighbouring island to stay with a mate whose husband has gone to work in UK for a couple of months !! We had a great time, but obviously I legged it without clearing my desk !!!!

Click on Pic to enlarge 

I've got a smattering of Halloweeny things on there and all sorts of other crud, so I must now tidy a bit before I start something else :-(  But first - I will get coffee and go on my weekly snoop round other people's desks.... see you later xxx


  1. Don't worry, if burglars come they may tidy up for you ;)

  2. Now that is a desk that sees a lot of action. Have a great week.
    Sandra @65

  3. OMG . . . my inner neat freak just FREAKED at the sight of your desk!

    Sarn xxx

  4. I love your interesting desk! Now what is that 'thing with wings' down on my right? Thanks for the visit! Julie Ann xx #20

  5. Lol, Love it! Great pic And your desk does contain the one essential crafters item- Coffee! Have a great week, Shaz #56. xx

  6. LOL... yes, that is one crafty mess indeed! Hope you had a nice trip and can now have a quick tidy up!! Annette #11

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yes that looks like mine did last Thursday as I churned out some Halloween cards! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas over here, but Thanksgiving must come first!
    Angie #68

  9. I don't think it's a total's contained. I want a closer look at the green ghoul on the right...pretty creepy cute. Happy snooping Carole #65

  10. Oooo hall. Halloween looks like loads of fun. Loving what I see going on. Peg R #71

  11. Very interesting desk, looks like you've been having lots of fun.
    Happy Wednesday

  12. This is the best desk this week I have seen, someone who is honest enough to admit the desk scene does have disastrous moments. Hey mine gets like that to sometimes. Have a cuppa and bit of a poke around and all will be sorted in no time. Looks like you have the makings of some good Halloween stuff.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 17
    Thanks for visitng

  13. Thanks for stopping by my desk. A very creative crafty desk , mess is what i like to see because it just means you've been busy . Happy woyww jill #37

  14. Such goodies and fun Halloween colors going on.Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #10

  15. Enlarged photo, took a good snoop and saw lots of fun stuff to play with. Thanks for the share and the earlier visit.
    Krisha #18

  16. Oh look at the gorgeous crafty chaos on your desk lol. And I see you are a fellow Cavalier owner. Crafting and cavalier spaniels. Doesn't get any better than that! Happy WOYWW!
    Karen no.51 x

  17. Loved it Ike! Now that is a working desk! Loved your comment "Does my Butt look Big in this" Really made my day! Thanks for the visit!

    robin #74

  18. Love that spiderweb die cut out of the orange paper. It seems to me you only need to clear a few square inches in which to work. :-D

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #3

  19. Like the way you think Ike - a cuppa first and then tidy (maybe?)
    How nice to visit another island and have crafting time with a friend - and no men to get in the way. Bliss!
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx - thanks for visiting me earlier - my server has been playing up so only just got on.

  20. Thanks for dropping by at mine. I love to see a busy crafting space so please don't feel you have to tidy on my account :-)
    A x #47

  21. Great piles of papers, batman! It's a wonderful happy mess that's for sure. That kitty figurine in the back left looks sort of like, "help me, I'm drowning." Better fish kitty out soon!

  22. I'm sure it's organised chaos! Looks very creative :)

  23. Hi Ike, the state of the desk looks very familiar LOL I love the image in the front center. I'm glad to hear you had a great time. Hugs, Suzanne xxxxxxxx

  24. OH Ike, your desk is a fabulous mess--it just looks as if you've been busy, instead of away!

    Thank you for your visit this woyww week!
    Happy WOYWW to you,
    #79 this week with
    a mess, bunting, and
    tiny book

  25. Sounds like you had a fab time with your mate!!
    Halloween is everywhere!!

  26. The bigger the mess the better the creativity! Love the winged image stamp. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #6

  27. Sounds like you had a great visit! Your desk looks like a lot of creativity goes on there. :) Thank you for your earlier visit! So fun to have someone visit me from Greece! :)
    Sharon #7

  28. wow, I thought my desk was busy, thanks for my earlier visit, Donna #32

  29. Phew what a relief - I've just been pipped to the post for the messiest desk of the week award ! Love a bit of creative chaos me ! Ali x# 28

  30. Happy WOYWW Ike, I would have said it earlier but I hadn't joined in then, and it is partly due to your post that I did!

    Cazzy x #99

  31. busy busy desk! loads of things to snoop desk is nearenough the same... haven't any time lately, so not taking part this week, as I know I'll never get to visit very many. Happy Crafting!!


  32. Spending time with a friend always trumps cleaning up our desks and that's coming from a neatnik fool! Glad you had a good time! Happy WOYWW and thanks for the visit to me! Have a happy week! Hugs, Darnell

  33. lol that is one busy desk loving the Halloween feel especially that spider web die cut card ( i thinks its die cut( hope you had a great time away visiting your friend and thanks for visiting ps the sheep was an easter pressie from hubby not sure where he acquired it im afraid have fab week crafty hugs Andrea #25

  34. What a great friend you are to stay with a chum without even having time to tidy your desk...ah the sacrifice! Halloween has pretty much passed me by already, certainly have done no crafting to type. Love all the scarey stuff on your desk...that web frame is fab.

  35. How fun! One day I hope to clean my desk enough to actually find it so I can share pictures like this too. Obviously you are working on some fun projects! Hugz!

  36. What a busy desk, shows that you have lots of ideas and the fingers can't keep up with the creative brain. Love the butterfly on the cup.
    Chris #43

  37. holy moley, you have a lot going on! Love the winged skeleton stamp! Happy WOYWW Lindsay #104

  38. Hi Suzy - hahaha - that desk looks - um ridiculous!! LOL... you couldn't get a project set up if you tried - not a spare inch - a cuppa sounds like a fabbo idea though - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #57

  39. Crud, lol! That's a good word. Hope you got tidied up and got on with another project! Love that pix at the back with the two cats! Reminds me of this post on a friends blog of two cats sharing a bowl!


  40. late visit warning!
    Thanks for your visit earlier - so sorry but yes! Christmas is in the making. hope you enjoyed your coffee!!
    Happy rest of the WOYWW week
    Bishopsmate #74

  41. Happy Belated WOYWW. Your desk shows how full your life is. Mine is only tidy on the rare occasion when I have nothing better to do. Ali x #36

  42. Wow! What a lot going on with that desk! Cool!
    Thanks for stopping by my barren one. ;) #85
