Monday 28 October 2013


Good Morning Peeps,

I am here today with some creations I have made after being invited to be a GUEST DT over at QUIRKY CRAFTS.
This time the Theme is "MAKE US CHUCKLE"  and they are sponsored by CRACKERBOX PALACE .     I was lucky enough to be given a few digis to play with, so this is quite a picture heavy Post. The Links will show either rubber/cling stamps but the company are currently producing Digis too, although they are not yet shown on their site.

My first one uses " Ruby the Queen" and matching sentiment.
I coloured her with Copics and then printed her out and fussy cut 5 layers, so she is 3D. I have teamed her up with one of my digis called 'Trick or Treat'  who has a ticket which says "Don't forget to get your Pumpkins out ". I think she's a pretty suggestive minx, which is probably why the Queen is not amused :-D
The ticket has a little clay pumpkin that I got from Creepy Glowbug. She makes glorious little clay brains and skulls and stuff to and her Etsy Shop is HERE. :-) 
I used a pumpkin background and then made a cut out backer using a Martha Stewart Round the Edge punch set.

My 2nd one uses "Boo Bug" and a matching Senti.  I made some Silhouette cut outs for the front of the card and used a designer paper from  Storyrock at My Memories - 'Batty Backgrounds' FREEBIE and the Ghosts are from Edrian Thomidis. I found this image in my Halloween 2012 folder, and I think it may have been a freebie somewhere.
I coloured the ghost and printed it out in different sizes and attached them on the front here with acetate strips, so they look like they are floating. (Looks better in real life - honest, coz they wave about too) !! :-D
I used half the Senti on the front of the card and attached a little clay ghost - also from Creepy Glowbug.

The inside has more papers from the 'Batty Backings' set and another spider's web border cut in Silhouette machine. I cut out the answer part of the Senti and slit my little ghosts hands so's he can hold it up. The 'Boo Bug' was coloured digitally.

My 3rd effort is using "Guy Fairy Patrick"  and Sentiment "A Fairy Tale"
I made a Diorama using a background Bathroom scene from  DDESIGNS (Dreamplace Digital Art) I've had since 2011 and I can't seem to find any links now - sorry.
Click on Pic to enlarge....

I coloured Patrick -  The Fairy Guy and printed him out 6 times to make a 3D figure. I stuck him together with silicone and sandwiched a strip of acetate in there to hang him from. He is attached to the back of the background scene and hangs over the top so he floats inside the room :-) He must be the sock fairy since he's picking them up - blokes think he actually exists I think !!!!! 

I made the toilet out of an egg cup and cardboard. The socks are cut from scraps of jersey cloth I had lying about. I screwed a couple up to look like how guys leave them when they just pull them off and lob them on the floor. !!!
The Sentiment I converted into a PNG and printed it onto an old book image.

Phew !!! Well - there you go.... I had great fun doing these and I want to thank QUIRKY CRAFTS  for inviting me to be a GDT today :-) and thanks to CRACKERBOX PALACE for the Digis :-).

Challenges I am entering:

Craft My Life Challenge Oct/Nov - Anything but a card.... My Diorama :-)
Cardmania Challenge #33 - Anything Goes
Paper Make Up Stamps Digi Makeover #113 - Lots of Layers... My Queen Card
Parade Your Crafts #7 - Halloween/Autumn


  1. Wow!! fabulous projects made me smile!! Ginny x

  2. A very quirky and funny post altogether Ike. Bravo xxxx

  3. Hi Ike, thank you so much for being a Guest Designer and at pretty short notice coming up with three great funny projects! I really love the toilet!

    Cazzy - on behalf of the Quirky Crafts Challenge Blog DT.

  4. Ike these are all brilliant, love how you've made all the digi's come to life!! And so funny! thak you for being a guest designer this challenge!! Only one's not only socks.... it's towels.... pants and of course that toilet seat should be UP! We have one that closes on it's own with just the gentlest of touches, but he still leaves it up!


  5. Wow, this is a visual feast! The first one is very risqué! The Queen's comment made me smile! I love the joke in the ghosty one, the little clay bits and bobs are very cool. The last one is fantastic too! I can completely understand the men and rolled up socks thing :)

  6. Oh my goodness, this is too clever! Just love it! The Sock Fairy is too funny...I think he lives in my house! I can't get over that toilet, so fun. You are so talented and creative! Best, CG

  7. Absolutely brilliant, all of them. xx

  8. Loving all your creations Ike but have to say an egg cup for a toilet won the day - I don't think I will be able to eat a soft boiled egg in an egg cup again without thinking of it a a possible loo - just brilliant :) Big hugs Jane xxxxx

  9. OMG, Ike! These are all a total HOOT! The diorama belongs in MY house. LOL Fabulous, every one! xxD

  10. I'm not even sure what to say. Rare I know but I'm speechless. I guess I'll leave at WOW, just incredible creations ALL!

  11. Your ghost halloween cards are fun.Thanks for joining us at Parade Your Crafts. Hope to see you next challenge.

