Wednesday 11 September 2013


Hello Wednesday Peeps and welcome to WOYWW 223. Now, if you don't know what that stands for then pop over to JULIA and you'll see..... it's just a great excuse to snoop round other people's work desks :-D

Today I received a set of ATCs from Melissa - we did a Swap via a Blog Hop over at INCY WINCY and hers have arrived via supersonic Donkey Mail.  Lookee - one of them has a super pencil sketch of John Lennon that her daughter drew..... cooooool eh ?!!!  LUV the card she made me too with that fabulous typewriter image :-)

A bit of news too..... I have started IKE's WORLD CHALLENGES and you can find everything over at the new Blog. :-) 

Well - I am off to snoop now at other WOYWW-ers so I'll catch you later :-) xxxxx


  1. Cool! Happy WOYWW! Off to look at your new blog xxx

  2. Great gifts!
    You're full of surprises, dear Ike! I am very happy about your new blog!
    Good luck!

  3. Its always nice to receive a pressie, looks fab. Francesca #47

  4. Lovely ATC's you got!! And congratulations on your new challenge blog!!

  5. Best of luck with the new challenge. I'm following :)
    Happy Wednesday

  6. I love happy mail and your ATC's are lovely, the John lennon one is brilliant! Happy WOYWW Annette #2

  7. Lovely goodies. Enjoy
    Famfa 14

  8. lovely cards and ATCs, such happy mail! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #21

  9. Well, a desk covered in giving...lovely stuff. nd yep, that JL sketch is remarkable. good luck with the other blog, will pop in in a jiffy.

  10. Awe that is so sweet what you got in the post from Melissa hugs Nikki 10

  11. Challenges? Ooooh, zooom..........

  12. Super card and ATC, the drawing is fantastic. Thanks for the visit BJ#94

  13. How lovely to receive yummy stuff in the post. Is it still hot there in Greece? I have really missed my annual Greek hit this year as we didn't visit:-( have a happy week
    Lynda B #35. X

  14. Hi ike
    Really sooty for mentioning ,...... You know what I promise not to do it again hehe. Love the arcs and the jl sketch is amazing well done her
    Janet @29

  15. Hi Ike thank you for popping by. It's lovely to receive crafty mail. Love the sketch. What a great idea to preserve it on an ATC. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 65

  16. Thanks for stopping by already :)
    Now I'm hopping over to see about your challenge...
    Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
    no. 33

  17. Wow, those are some great ATC's you rec'd. John Lennon sketch is awesome!I have that typewriter stamp and LOVE it too. Thanks for the kind visit today, great way to start the day! Winnie#79

  18. Great cards, and hope the new blog goes well. Thanks for your good wishes for our move - still loads to do before Monday but I have every confidence we'll manage it!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #72

  19. Great ATCs, happy mail is always a pleasure!

    Sorry you're also having mud trouble - I've swapped to Dylusions - and saved the day.

    Thanks for your visit. Have a creative week MMx #76

  20. That it really awesome mail ;o) your desk is sooooo neat! wow if only mine was that clean lol need to remember to post for WOYWW!!! I just love the new challenge blog and looking forward to playing!

  21. finally got back to you . You have been a regular visitor . like that you've started a new challenge . I will definitely have to squeeze this into the ones I play in regularly .
    that desk is ORDERLY and you make it look easy to keep it that way .

    brandy #111

  22. Love receiving crafty post :-)
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #45

  23. Ike! THANK YOU for stopping by this week, I'm so glad you're in for the ATCs Around the World! I crossed off Greece and linked your blog in the tabbed page of countries, and if you'd like to choose an atc from the gallery tab, there are about 35 posted right now. Please send your info to trisha2too at hotmail dot com, and thank you again!

    Oh yes, since you asked, if you would like to send a return atc, that would be great! Since this isn't strictly a swap, though, if you know of anyone in another country who would like to join in, let me know.

    #31 this week with
    ATCs Around The World

  24. Lovely ATC's and card, i do love a good old swap! Just noticed Trisha's comment !
    Congrats on getting Ike's world challenges up and running will pop over and have a look thanks for the visit toni # 85

  25. love the ACT's and congrats on your blog. Im off to look at desk. And thanks for letting me peak in to your room. Roberta 6

  26. Hi, thanks so much for your visit :-) great mail. Had to laugh at your supersonic Donkey Mail LOL Would like to see that irl. Have an awesomme week ... Hugs, Suzanne xxxx

  27. Great ATC's, the John lennon pic is really good
    thanks for stopping by my blog
    Happy woyww
    Debs #108

  28. ohoooo Ikes World Challenges sound very much fun and axeciting! Thanks for my snoop! HaPpY WoYwW?!
    ((Lyn)) #53 ooops... now #60

  29. Fun snoop, great ATC's. Thanks for stopping by earlier. Helen 19

  30. Nice ATCs. I need back in those swaps again. Thanks for visiting my blog. Checking out your challenge blog. Creative Blessings! Kelly #205

  31. Fun ATCs -- each quite different from the other, which is neat. I'm off to check out your new challenge blog. Thanks for visiting me earlier! Happy WOYWW, Laura #13

  32. Ah! John was my favorite Beatle! Nice gifts!

  33. Great ATCs, but I especially like that typewriter card :o)
    Thanks for your kind comment on my drawing x

    Fiona #120

  34. What great ATCs! I love how people can come up with such interesting and creative things in that small of space. How fun!

  35. Great ATC's ! Love the skull design ! Ali x #122

  36. Wow! What an amazing drawing of John Lennon! All those ATCs are great, though! Happy WoYWW and success with your new venture! Julie Ann xx #42

  37. Cool ATC's. best wishes for your new venture. 109

  38. love happy mail!

    Thank you for the visit!

    Hugs, Robin #51

  39. Fabulous ATCs now that is happy mail!

  40. What cool ATCs! I've never done a swap, they look like they would be fun :)

  41. Wow what fabulous Happy Mail, and good luck with your new challenges. Danie #48

  42. Isn't it great to get fun mail!? Thanks for popping in to say hello today! Sue Kment

  43. Great ATCs! Lucky you! I especially like John Lennon, and the typewriter.
    Have a good week,
    RosA # 86

  44. These are super duper! Ya gotta love happy mail!! Happy WOYWW and thanks for coming to visit me earlier! Have a wonderful couple of weeks and good luck with the challenge blog! Darnell #24

  45. Great happy mail...Off to check out your challenge.

  46. Good luck with your blog, and looking forward to seeing the darker side one too
    Happy belated WOYWW

  47. Your area is neater than mine! :)

  48. Hi Ike! Love your blog and thank you for visiting me this week and the nice comments. What cool ATCs you got! And I'm with you, the typewriter one is really neat! Happy day after WOYWW and have a great week! Rasz #125

  49. Love that typewriter! Good luck with the challenge blog.

  50. Great atc's on your desk - now what is this about a new challenge blog? Off for a looky.
    Hugs, Neet 113 (and thanks for the visit you made to me. I am so late!)

  51. Oh where am I!? I was here earlier, I'm sure I said something about your challenge....or did I put that somewhere on someone else's blog!?! Probably!! They take so long to load sometimes I have loads on windows open and spinning and then I forget where I am! Love the Atc's...sure I said that last time too...and I know I read the comment above, coz I was going to say, me too! (about the typewriter) Happy late WOYWW! Have a crafty week!!

    (((Lyn)) #60

  52. ohoo it's ok...I'm not going mad...I WAS here!!

  53. Great happy mail always nice to get mail. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment I so love visitors. Now I am off to check out your new challenge blog, see you there.

    Happy Belated WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoa 68

  54. Wow so loving the card and ATCs you received. Sorry I'm mega late this week. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx
