Thursday 12 September 2013


Hello everyone and Happy Thursday :-D

I have got everything set up now (I think) over at my new Challenge site......... IKE's WORLD CHALLENGES  and it seems OK after a couple of winky hiccups !!!
The first Challenge is BINGO or TIC.TAC.TOE - whichever you call it, and I have also given you a Freebie digi to play with. So in time honoured tradition - I thought I would colour her up and show you what I did :-D
I chose Bottom Left Diagonal Up from the Grid.... DENIM, DOILY, LACE and came up with this nifty bookmark :-)

Click on Pic to enlarge

I coloured her with Copics, cut her out and stuck her onto my lacy, stitched background with a couple of bits of doily :-)

OK - now I've shown you mine.... how's about you show me yours.

"Fashionista" can be found at IKE's WORLD CHALLENGES  and you have until 30th September to enter.


Challenges I am entering :

365 Cards Day 254 - Word Wednesday  - Pretty
Crafting By Designs - Anything Goes 


  1. that is really an awesome bookmark. Love how you have colored her up. Hope my version looks at least 1/2 good as yours!!!

  2. OMG so excited that you have a challenge blog, cant wait to pop on over and play Lorraine

  3. Fabulous bookmark Ike!! Challenge sounds great! off to have a look! mo xxx

  4. Pretty chic! Thank you for joining us at 365 Cards!

  5. This is great - I must go check out your new challenge blog! Your bookmark is fab!

  6. Totally cool. I've started working out what to do for my entry and have printed one of your images and decided on a tag. Hopefully I will get most of it done tomorrow night.

  7. Awesome bookmark! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafting By Designs.
    Hugs, Sharon
