Wednesday 4 September 2013


Happy Wednesday Peeps and welcome to WOYWW 222 - in case you're wondering what that is, it stands for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday and is the brainchild of the fabulous JULIA over at STAMPING GROUND. Pop Over HERE to see how it all works, but it's basically an excuse (not that we need one !!!) to go for a nosey round other people's desks. Great places for inspiration and just to 'ooohhh' and 'aaaahhhh' over other Peep's creations. :-)
So - here's my desk this Wednesday - I know I have been MIA for a couple of weeks, but I sometimes forget what day I'm on - yet alone remember the date !!!! hahahah LOL
I am right up to my eyeballs with a set of commissioned cards at the mo'. One of my regular customers here has received a list from her sister in the UK - so that's what I'm doing. :-) Here's a couple of them :-)

Click on Pic to enlarge

There's also a peek at some more ATCs I am working on and my little yoghurt pot trash bin - to try and stop me just brushing it all onto the floor... doesn't always work though ! LoL

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will pop round the other participants too..... you never know what you will see :-)


  1. Oh wow, these creations you are working on is just so creative and interesting. Love the little yoghurt trash bin, so beautifully adorned with the butterfly.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Your cards are beautiful,happy crafting :-)
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #41

  3. Gorgeous card designs, really Inspiring :)
    It is great fun upcycling, I just made a gravy granule container into a tissue holder and am always enthused by different ideas on WOYWW - It's definitely addictive!
    Have a Beautiful week Heather #63

  4. Fabulous card. Look like a pretty busy desk at the moment!!! I hope I remember to take pictures of my desk tonight!

  5. Wonderful designs and makes from our talented friend. You sound very busy. Thanks for visiting the bears already but sorry, we ate all the Pom Bears.

  6. Ooh . . . loving the look of your pretty shaped cards with lovely embellishments. How the heck are you gonna get those safely to the UK?

    Sarn xxx

  7. Hahaha! I brush all my stuff on to the floor too :D it's just easier!

  8. Your cards are truly amazing. Happy crafting #1

  9. Looks unusual to me coming from you :-D but wonderful anyway. Hugs, Suzanne xxxx

  10. What amazing cards Ike! They are fantastic and I'm sure your client will be THRILLED!

    Happy WOYWW MMx #45

  11. Amazing butterfly card - Thanks for the visit BJ#16

  12. Most of my trash ends up on the floor! I do try not to do it. I have to check for valuable items before I can clean it up because stash and trash end up on the floor together, I would hate to vacuum up a stamp from a set that didn't cling and hit the floor!

    Cazzy x #66

  13. Love those exquisite cards!! What remarkable work!!

    I put out recycled butter tubs at my card workshops to catch the clutter! Works great and I use them over and over!

    Hope your WOYWW is fabulous!

    Lynn #100

  14. Wow, those cards are amazing, especially the yellow & white one. I hope you're charging what your time is worth. :-)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #13

  15. Hey Ike Beautiful Cards you've created and I'm so glad other struggle with flowers like I do the ones I really struggle with are the 3-d style ones uggg they make my head spin lol
    Oh and you need to send me your snail mail too you won my mini candy :) hugs Nikki 4

  16. Lovely cards do you have a electronic die cutter? I see Greek you live in Greece....if so you should join us on our crafty coffee evenings and crops in Athens....ZEFFY 103

  17. Yes..your cards are quite different.Yes flowers are tricky, but you've done well.
    Judy #20

  18. You my friend make some really fantastical cards. You are truly talented!!! Your customer will be extrodinarily happy without a doubt. Thanks for popping by for a visit. Happy Hump Day!!! (((HUGS)))
    Kimmie #3
    P.S. I haven't forgotten about the cricut. I'm going to check with UPS, etc about shipping prices, then let you know. It's been a bit hectic with getting my kids back on their respected school schedules, and my daughter started back to her Irish dancing this past weekend. Which has actually been more hectic than school. :/

  19. Looks like you are really busy! And your cards look absolutely great, Ike!

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Claudia x

  20. Oh my gosh!!! Your cards are SO beautiful. I love the butterflies and flowers one, how did you make those? I'd love to borrow the ideas if you can let me know where to start! Thanks for sharing and Happy WOYWW! Karen 68 x

  21. those cards look fabulous. Great idea with the yoghurt pot. I could use something like that, because the floor under my desk is always a mess...
    Thanks for stopping by my desk earlier.
    Happy (late) WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
    xx Monique #60

  22. oh wow - you're so busy! thanks even more then for stopping by my place :)
    Jana #58

  23. Stunning cards and I can't get over the incredible detail. Just beautiful.
    Sandra @68

  24. Love those cards!! Beautiful! What a good idea to keep a small bin to wipe all the bits off into! I'm with you though. I usually swipe them off onto the floor :(
    xxDaniella#14 *a day late. sorry!)

  25. Some intricate designs. Beautiful!

  26. Thanks so much for stopping by, I loooooove your work, these cards are fantastic, just gorgeous,I'm going to have a better look around, thanks for sharing.. I'm still visiting desk around the world, a day late :O)...

  27. Thanks for visit. I love your elaborate cards, so much awesome in one place. I laugh at your yogurt bin for scraps. I don't really have room for a bin on my desk when I work (it is really clean right now). I put a trash can next to my desk but I learned not to have RIGHT next to my desk otherwise the cats (and me) knock things off of the desk and into the trash.

  28. Those are gorgeous! And I spy a panda! I love them so much. Thanks for the visit :)
    Marissa #105

  29. OMGosh. Those cards are out of this world. I'm super impressed. And your yogurt trash basket is a really clever idea, too. Happy WOYWW on Thursday from #2

  30. Thanks for stopping by from WOYWW. Your cards are gorgeous! I have never seen those folds before. Yes, the printer is an A3!


  31. WOW! I also looked at more current posts to see those cards better. In fact, I don't think WOW even works. Thanks for visiting and happy belated WOYWW!
    Carol N #88

  32. Those cards are stunning. They look very complicated to make. No wonder you are being commissioned to make more. Fantastic!
    Hugs and Thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet xx

  33. Thanks for visiting earlier ..... I succumbed and bought a few more kits..........
    Love your cards, and I thought my kits were a bit thought provoking (made my head ache anyhow!)
    Bishopsmate #48

    1. Mine aren't kits.... I create and cut them myself :-D

  34. Fantastic cards, so pretty, I can see why you have been commissioned to create some more. Happy Crafting.

    Eliza & Yoda

  35. Hi,
    Here is the finish to last weeks post...

  36. Cute cards and I love your idea with the yoghurt pot! Thanks for your visit and a belated happy woyww Liz@82

  37. Bit late with adding my comments this week, stunning card. Thanks for popping over to my blog the other day. x

  38. Wow wow wow those cards are absolutely gorgeous, I bet you're really pleased with them. I love the panda ATC (hope I'm right lol). Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  39. Great cards, no wonder you are being commissioned.

  40. Happy WOYWW! Sorry my reply is so late, Thank you for your visit, and Wow What a beautiful card!!
    -Tera #9

  41. Hi Suzy - Very late for 222 WOYWW - just popping by to say thanks for visiting - promise to be a good girl this week LOL... Hugs Mxx #77
