Thursday 5 September 2013


Hello Peeps - it's that time again for our next QUEST over at QUOTH THE RAVEN - our Challenge site inspired by Edgar Allan POE and his works. :-) 
Now I know he was a little bit on the kooky crazy side, but he wrote some wonderful stuff.... if you fancy a little taster then go HERE. Some tales are a little macabre but he also has gorgeous poems and we use his works to create pieces over at our QTR site. It's not all dark and gory - because his work is so varied we can do floral/pretty pretty too  so please don't be afraid to come over and have a look and say Hi :-) We are almost at our 100 Followers goal too, so there will be some Candy on offer when we get there :-D

So now, onto my piece for this Quest... I have made for you a Mini Book Charm.
This little beastie is only 2" x 2.5" and was made following a Tutorial over at Gauche Alchemy.
I used some card from a cereal box and the paper inside the book is my "Poe Paper Freebie", which is available free in my SHOP. The DP I used for the pages is 'Absolution Deferred' by Crafty Chaos (Shop no longer operating). I made a little Cameo of The Master and used Glossy Accents on the top to look like glass.  I inked all the edges with black ink and then added a Tim Holtz keyring hangy thingy :-) Some lace and a bit of sparkly thread to close and Voila !!!

The only thing that bugged me was that I didn't have any of those little proper 'eyelet' thingies so I had to use a different thing with little spikies on it. It works OK from outside but inside it doesn't have a rim so don't look so good. :-(  Maybe I will have to invest in some eyelets !!! hee hee

OK - I'm off now. I hope you will come over to QUOTH THE RAVEN and see us........................... there SEE... I told you it wasn't all scary didn't I ???!!!

Challenges I am entering :


  1. I love Edgar Alan Poe, so I truly appreciate your miniature tribute. Blessings!

  2. We love Poe, as you may have guessed by our challenge this month. We think your make is just fab here and we may even go and have a looky at the QTR challenge, if Podgy deciides to get over his bear flu soon!

  3. Oh my goodness Ike, this is drop dead gorgeous, I looooove tiny things, so thanks a million for the link to the video, I'll defiantly be making one, thanks for all the inspiration all over your blog, have a wonderful creative day...

  4. Beautiful work. speechless and am inspired to go create a little book now. Love!

  5. Holy crap, how did you get all that detail work into something so tiny? You, my dear, continue to amaze me.

    Okay, I'm at least caught up on one page of posts, just one more to go but I'm afraid it is time to feed us so I must be off to the kitchen. I'll be back later tonight (okay really it will be the wee hours into tomorrow) but I will be back.

    I've been missing you something fierce!

