Monday 15 July 2013


I have made this little tag book to join in the challenge over at QUIRKY CRAFTS... #14  "Daddy's Taking Me To The Zoo Tomorrow..."

The first picture shows my ruler so you can see how big/small they are. I have used all images by Dustin Pike at DOODLE DRAGON STUDIOS and he even had some matching tags too. I had to make my own background tags for the Lion and the Rhino. :-)  I threaded them all together with a piece of black wool that I un-twizzled to make it look like a tail.

Click on Pics to enlarge..

You should pop over and see the fabulous DT creations at Quirky Crafts - they are amazingly cute :-D
I'm rather enjoying myself doing Challenges today, so I may well be back later :-D See ya' xxxx

Challenges I am entering:

Quirky Crafts Challenge #14 - Zoo                  2nd place Winner
Crafters' Cafe Challenge Blog #19 - Anything Goes
TokBobok Challenge #2 - Animal Friends


  1. These are just so cute. Love how the backgrounds tie in with each little critter.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. We love these, we used to sing that song when we were cubs!

  3. These are just fantastic! Love them! The 'tail' idea is brilliant too!! oops, nearly forgot...
    Thank you for joining Quirky Crafts Challenge this fortnight!! Hope to see you again for the next challenge too!

    ((Lyn)) DT

  4. What a cute idea! They are all so bright and colourful. Great job! Thanks for playing along at the Crafter's Cafe Challenge and good luck! 'Shell

  5. ohhhh those are soooo adorable!!!! Love the backgrounds you have created as well.

  6. Love these, they're fab. Great images and colors. Hugs, Suzanne xx

  7. These are so cute! I love that you've used their skin patterns for the backgrounds, what a clever idea! Thank you so much for your ATC tips on my blog, I've had a look at the blogs you suggested and will definitely be joining in when I have a spare moment!

  8. SUPER little tag book using DP's images. Love his work - spesh the dragons.


  9. Thanks for your second entry. This is a great mini booklet. My son will love it! He is keen on animals sooo much! Regards, TokBobok

  10. Ike,
    The wool "Tail" on your Tag book is a cool idea. All of the images have been colored so well, (of course, it's you coloring them.) The back grounds on the tags are super! Love this tag book, it makes me want to make one for my G-baby. Love you!

  11. Hey! Thank you for entering your card into the latest Quirky Crafts Challenge! I love the tag books, what a great idea! Don't forget to come back tomorrow to check if you've one one of our prizes :)
    Daire (Design Team)

  12. Were you experiencing a cutesy overdose? ;O) These guys are adorable. Of course it is easy when you start off with Doodle Dragon creations.
