Tuesday 16 July 2013


Gosh, I completely forgot to put up the scary post for the midway point at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE. This time is a "Freakers' Free For All", which basically means you can put anything you like.... so long as it's scary, horror, Gothic etc. :-D

I made a tea light cover using one of my own digis 'DEAMON' - available in my SHOP. I printed him out 5 times and fussy cut him into layers so he would go 3D. The eyes were completely cut out and then I re-drew them onto some acetate and stuck them behind. Then I took a toilet roll and cut holes where the eyes are. I covered it with some skull paper from Crafty Chaos, and then stuck my Deamon on the front. Inside I put one of those little electric flashing Tea Lights. :-)
It was a nightmare to try and photograph, but I did one ordinary, the red one is my hand covering the flash, and the green one is deflecting the flash with shiny card. It looks sooooooo cool in real life coz his eyes flash with the light :-D     bwahahahahaha !!!!

Click on Pics to enlarge... if you dare !!!! LoL

I hope you will come over and see what other scary stuff we have to show you and maybe play along with my Minion Sistahs !!!???  Go on.... I dare you :-D xxxx

Challenges I am entering:

Love To Create Challenge #74 - Fairy Tale or Fantasy


  1. WOW! this is sooo cool! I wish I could see his eyes flashing, that would be FAB! The pics are great too tho, I really like the red one. FAB work, as always Ike :)

  2. Fantastic Ike. You always come up with some crazy brilliant stuff. x

  3. TERRIFIC!!!! OMG this is really awesome Ike, and I can see that his eyes are glowing, cool how your photos came out. I bet it does look super in RL! Jut WoW! I Love it!

  4. WOW! This is super cool! Thank you for joining us this week at Love to Create Challenge Blog.
    Ruza, LTC Designer

  5. Oh my! Didn't dare enlarge them. Those eyes will haunt me all night as it is!
