Wednesday 15 May 2013


Hello Peeps and welcome to WOYWW  206 (What's On Your Workdesk 

Now - if you're not familiar with what this is all about, why not pop over to Julia's blog at Stamping Ground and have a look :-)
I have been playing with crochet hooks and various cottons recently and been making some little flowers :-) It keeps my hands occupied in the evenings when I watch tv. I had been making little bunnies, but since Easter has been and gone, I changed to flowers. Don't know what I am going to use them for, but I thought I might send some as little 'gifties' to my more fluffy/floral craftmaking Chums :-)
I started off with a 5 petal design and then I found a pattern for ones that you roll up - and they are cool. 
Here's some pikkies anyway :-D .........................

Click on pics to enlarge.

Then an idea came - why not sew one onto the other to make a bigger flower... so I did that as well. :-)

Well - I'm off now to see what other WOYWW - ers have got to show me this week. See ya' xxxxxxxxx


  1. Wow Ike . . . there really is NO END to your creative talents is there?

    I was recently sent 3 pretty flowers from a Blog Friend and I am going to crochet some chain and hang them in a row in a window somewhere.

    Happy WOYWW.

    Sarn #80

  2. Hi Ike - thanks for stopping by - I tried crochet - could do the obligatory square - round & round & round... lol but I never really got anywhere. Have a great week Happy WOYWW ... Mxx #67

  3. Oh how clever, our paws are far too fat for such intricate crafts, so we are in awe.

    Hugs from the bears @#97 this week.

  4. Hi Ike I love your flowers. I have been collecting tons of patterns on my Pinterest but have yet to try one. Yours look lovely especially the rolled ones. Hugs to you from Helen 88

  5. Clever you.I can't crochet.Maybe one day!!
    Judy #25

  6. When I see little pretties like these it makes me want to learn to crochet! They look great on cards and scrapbook pages... one day I will learn!

  7. I made myself a promise that before the end of the year I will learn to crotchet. I'm learning to embroider and I'm doing an art course so watch this space.
    Lynn //50

  8. Another crotchet blog desk this week. Not a great crotchet person myself but maybe I will give it a go!
    I am not really speaking to you after your comment you left about the warm weather. It is positively freezing here right now! Hurrumpf!

  9. ohhhhh ROFLMAO.

    You visit my blog - lovely, thank you very much for stopping by...

    So I visit your blog....

    And there's me reading your blog at the top before scrolling down, and going at looking at Haunted Design House and then thinking - I like this person. As macabre as I can be. I just lurve the Lil Grumpy's from Smeared Ink....

    And I scroll down

    and you ...... crochet?


    Just like me then......

  10. Super crochet flowers there - and I totally have to agree with Morti, you crochet? A gal of many and very varied talents!

    Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

  11. Ooh, yummy! Could you point me in the direction of the pattern for the rolled up flowers please? It will, of course, be goobledegook to me but my Mum is a crochet whizz and would love to make me some... well, I'm sure she would ;)
    Happy WOYWW

    1. Oh yes certainly - hang fire and I will find it somewhere. I do it all from memory now, but I know I have it saved somewhere !! xxxx

  12. Those flowers are amazing, I can crochet but am self taught, just the basics, I tend to look at something long enough and nut it out. I do like the double pale blue one. What an interesting desk you have this week thanks for sharing it and visiting me, I have enjoyed my visit with you.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 48

  13. Forgot to add you must send the link for the flowers especially the rolled one.


    1. Will do .... as explained above... I will firk this out and when I find it, will pop it through to you xxxxxxxx

  14. Drooling! lol! LOVE your flowers. The red and black mixed ones are gorgeous colors. The roses are amazing too. If you are missing WASn't me. :)
    Happy Wednesday! SueC#109

  15. Hi Ike - I do love a crochet flower! My Mum tried to teach me to make them once but I just couldn't get it! So I'm very envious of such gorgeous blooms. Have a great week and thanks for your visit MMx #114

  16. I just LOVE your crochet flowers - I see brooches - why not sew a safety pin on the back - they can be as big or as small as you like and they would look so cool. I now want to go and crochet some flowers!
    Thanks so much for hopping by my blog - have a great week.

  17. Oh wow, those are really cute Ike. I was only looking at a book in Hobbycraft yesterday with lots of knitted and crocheted flowers in and thinking that I might get my hooks out and have a go.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ #42

  18. I love the little crochet items - I have done a little bit of crochet but its not my strong point!!

  19. Hi Ike
    those flowers would look good on any crafters project they are amazing and it would be so nice to have those on something like a canvas to add an extra texture and depth to a project, fantastic
    Have a great WOYWW today and a fabby week
    Ria #21

  20. Ooooh I love the crochet flowers!!! Fab!!
    Mo xxx #69

  21. These are so pretty. I can't crochet so I'm in awe of your skill! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was out all day so it was a lovely surprise to come back to. Have a lovely creative week. x Julie Ann

  22. Oooh love them! I can crochet, a little, and those would look so awesome on some hairbows or cards or even some necklaces/pendants, well I can think of lots of way to use them, huh? So please put me on the list for a link whenever you find it, huh? Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a funny comment! :) Deeyll #72

  23. Hi ike
    well done with the crochet ... they make great brooches and decorations for bags, hair etc etc. Thanks for your comment on my beaded box... yes, it is made to a special pattern, you can use either a word map or a diagram which work together.
    thanks for sharing
    janet #29

  24. Fabulous crochet work on the flowers, Ike! Something I've never done, but so admire! Thank you for stopping by my place earlier! Have a wonderful week! Darnell #37

  25. Fancy little rolled crochet flowers they are stunning never seen that type before they look great where ever you use them on a card an album even a purse :) thanks for poppin in and happy WOYWW hugs Nikki #2

  26. Very cute! I think they'd be cute on hats or even on a purse!

    Katie 122

  27. Your flowers are great! I think they could be used for all sorts of things! I do a lot of knitting but have never quite got the hang of crochet but I must really try again! Thanks for dropping by :)
    RosA # 41

  28. Thanks for stopping by my desk the other day - I LOVE the peek into your studio space... It´s a grey and rainy day in Holland and your bright and colourful flowers makes me smile and hope that better weather is on its way! Happy - belated - woyww, Marit #110

  29. Pretty, pretty, pretty! Just don't think I have the time to get some made for a card that has to be ready tomorrow.
    Are there no limits to your talents.

  30. G'day Ike
    thanks for dropping by my blog for WOYWW. I'm so slow to get to others desks...I need a speed typing course I think LOL. Love the crochet flowers Ike...they would be awesome to use on a mixed media canvas!!! Thanks for kind words regarding my jewellery making attempts too :o)
    Annette In Oz #11

  31. How awesome that you can make those flowers! They are really expensive to buy so you are awesome!! I like the idea of making bigger flowers!!
    Thanks for visiting me!!

  32. wow this is sooo fabulous! I always wondered how they were done those little flowers in crochet... I should try it out... I've done crochet but stopped for quite awhile since doing a tablecloth that took 2 years to do lol

  33. oh I do wish I could make these, I have tried so many times but I am just uselss at it lol. Great to see another of your many talents :D xx

  34. Some great flowers there =- must polish up my crochet skills and get cracking.
    Sorry I am late, been away and since coming back am suffering with hay fever which has meant eyes almost closed.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  35. Haha I thought this was a different Ike for a minute! Happy WOYWW, nice flowers.

    Cazzy x #152/153

  36. Hullo Ike,
    Thanks so mcuh for joining my blog, have returned the compliment, and wow love those flowers - happy WOYWWl Shaz in Oz.x
