Sunday 12 May 2013


Happy Sunday Peeps, and Happy Mothers' Day to those of you around the world who are celebrating it today :-)
A couple of weeks ago LISA from DECOSSE's DYNAMITE DOODLES, put out a request for some Get Well cards for NAOMI from CREATIVE BUG ON THE LOOSE... the poor girl is suffering with her health problem and can't even sit at her computer or nothing' - she must be bored to tears AND sick !!! We wanted to cheer her up a bit, so Lisa arranged for a Post to go up today showing all the cards that had been made for her :-D I was lucky enough to be given a brand new digi  to play with, drawn by Naomi.... he's called 'Sick Lolly' and here's what I made....

I used up some snippets to make the card and 'paper pieced' his blankie, after scanning one of the papers. :-D Oh yeah - and then I made a paper pleat to go across the underneath. !!

and here's the inside using 'Dr Doctor' from the Creepers Set by SMEARED INK

The other cards have all been posted by Lisa on the CREATIVE BUG site HERE, if you'd like to pop over and see them :-)

So, NAOMI, I hope you get to see these soon and that they give you a bit of cheer.

Challenges I am entering:


  1. Hi Ike - thanks for popping round to see my dreamcatcher... Love your get well card - what a cutesy outside and then a brilliant surprise inside with the Dr... LOL... Mxx

  2. Utterly mad and utterly fabulous! Sure to bring a smile to her face.

    Sarn xxx

  3. You are a true friend, not only to Naomi but also to me. I adore you! That being said, I'll move on to the card. Love what you have done with Sick Lolly and the inside rocks too. First some cutesy then smacked with something a little less tame. Love it! Funny too.

    Thank you so much for helping out with the card drive. Naomi will absolutely love it--in print and in person.
    Take care and have a great week!

    Big hugs,

  4. This is awesome. I really love the colors you have used. And that crazy doctor is just fabulous!!! What a wonderful friend you are!

  5. Ha, ha ! I thought, aw, Ike's gone all cutesy - than I saw the inside! Brilliant!

    And I like the snippets you used of course :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. Great card Ike, I'm sure it will cheer up your friend :) Cathy x

  7. Ike I had to drop in and let you know that your card certainly did cheer me up, I started off being very touched how creative your were with my digital, I love the colors you choose for Lolly and the blanket is adorable, then I looked at the inside of the card and I laughed so hard I near fell off my chair... then came the tears because you have been so supportive and I will ever be grateful for it. I am so happy to have you in my bloggy life. Isn't Lisa the most amazing person ever to be doing all this for me!!! Big HUGS
