Monday 25 February 2013


Well, here we are again at RUDOLPH DAY February !!! Doesn't the time just fly by ??!!
This Challenge is hosted by Sarn over at STAMPING FOR PLEASURE, and the idea is we make a card every month on 25th and then we have a stash ready for Chrimbo :-)  I have to do Rudolph Day or Sarn will come over and beat me up !! LoL.... Well, not really of course .... she's a sweetie...  If she did, she could have a bit of a holiday in the sun whilst I recovered hahahahaha !!

I think she would be quite pleased with me this time, coz this card is made using up a lot of bits and pieces I had as left-overs :-D The only thing new is the little wooden Reindeer I got from Hobbycraft last summer when I visited my daughter in the UK.
I am way early this month so hoping to be the first one to enter the Challenge.

Challenges I am entering:

Stamping For Pleasure - Rudolph Day February


  1. Your card is very beautiful! Congratulations!
    You are an endless source of ideas!

  2. Hi Ike . . . sorry for the boo boo on Mr Linky this morning! All rectified now. I have linked up this wonderfully wintry card for you. Congrats on using up lots of snippets too. You are a star.

    But you're RIGHT . . . you DO have to join in or I WILL come and beat you! LOL! I quite fancy a holidy in the sun!

    Sarn xxx

  3. Hello Ike! Hmmm, I only beat you into Mr Linky on a technicality :)

    LOVE this card and remember if you used snippets you can come and play in the Playground too. I'll protect you from Sarn - mind you, I could always carry her bags if she does decide to visit :))

    Back to the card - the reindeer superimposed on top of the scene is just perfect.

    Hugs, Di xx

  4. There is a lot going on in this card, but it all works together so beautifully. I love the wooden reindeer. Kate x

  5. gorgeous card, I am part of a group that are making a card a Christmas card a week, of course I am way behind as always hehe xxxx

  6. Love this Ike and the reindeer is cute xxxx Sue J

  7. Great scene, love the reindeer and choice of colours.

    Kath x

  8. Lots to look at on this lovely wintery card.Love the scene, and your wooden reindeer just adds more dimension. TFS. Just joined as a follower, so will be back to visit.

  9. Weren't you the one who told me it was odd to see Christmas cards at this time of year, oh, about a week and a half ago??!!

  10. Beautiful card Ike, I love the Winter scene it's beautiful.

  11. What a lovely rudolph Card with a Rudolph AND snippets - fab!


    Debs x

  12. Such loads to see on this cards. Loving all the details. Hugs Mrs a.

  13. Great card crossed off the list. Love that little jumping reindeer!

  14. What a pretty Christmas card! Love that jumping reindeer!
