Sunday 24 February 2013


Me again,
Over at SMEARED & SMUDGE FORUM - the February JUNK FUNK Challenge is to use "Drier Sheets"... you know, those things you lob in the tumble drier. Well, I can't get those here so I decided to use Baby Wipes and dry them off. Same kinda' stuff I guess. :-)

I was inspired by a digi image by tOri called 'Skull & Crossbones Twisters' from SMEARED INK, which has crochet hooks, so I decided to crochet my Baby wipes. I cut them into strips and then joined them up with knots and crocheted a mat. I like the way the knots looked so I pulled them all through to the front :-) It was very difficult coz you can't put any tension much on it coz the fibres pull apart.
Anyhoo - here it is...................

Click on Pic to enlarge...

I used plain black card for the base and distressed the edges. The main image was printed 3 times and then fussy cut and layered up with Silicone to make him 3D. I added some red gems on the first layer to give him scary eyes. :-D


  1. I just love what you do!!!

  2. ohhhh this is soooo much fun! Can't believe you crochet these sheets wow.

    I'm going to have to go and check this out and try to play as well!

  3. Another fab creation! Ike huggles hun Sue J xxx

  4. Wicked cool! Do they still say that LOL, it fits tho right? Love the fussy cut layered skull and the crocheting behind it. I haven't crocheted in years!

  5. As I said on the forum, Ike I really love this. Vee xx

  6. Now THIS is very ingenious and a great use of baby wipes! Way to go Ike! xxx

  7. Okay, so Vicky made flowers from dryer sheets and now you are using baby wipes. Such incredible uses for everyday objects. So cool.
