Saturday 15 June 2013

YAY !!!.... I'M BACK AT LAST :-D

Hello Peeps,
I am finally sorted out and trusty old Compy is fixed and up 'n' running :-)  Bit of a nightmare eh ?!!! I think he got some sort of technical constipation and couldn't get going  !!  LoL

So - I am now playing catch up to loads of emails, Blogs etc, and have yet to get Freebie Friday done !!!
I have had guests - expected AND unexpected. We had the air traffic controller strike in France and of course, Greece came out in sympathy !!! Ended up with guests staying here coz they couldn't get home after their holidays :-( Still... at least we have wall to wall sunshine, so you have to get a smile on your face don't you ??

Well, I will catch up with you later and have got some things to Post here.... so bye for now.
Huggies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Hurray! I wish you a magical weekend!

  2. Great that everything is back on track for you.

  3. Woot woot . . . so glad to see you back again Ike. Enjoy that sunshine and send some over here will ya . . .still FAR TOO COLD for June. STOP hogging the sunshine.

    Sarn xxx

  4. I am so happy for you Ike, that your compy is working again, and all of your guests are hopefully gone. You have been one busy lady! Well I hope you stay compy happy!

  5. Glad to see you back! It's such a pain to have computer problems. And you have been one busy lady!

  6. I hope that computer is still behaving and all guests have finally departed!
