Friday 7 June 2013


Hello Peeps.... I am having a nightmare.!!!!  Fate has come to smite me yet again !!!

My computer sort of crashed in the fact that it is stuck on some kind of Start Up loop where it says it had a power supply problem blah, blah and will re-start Windows in 30 seconds. OK, I say, then it starts - I get the Windows XP screen and then it goes to sleep and starts all this countdown all over again... and again.... and AGAIN !!!!!!! I am doing my nut !! Don't know what to do and my Techy is in UK on hols :-( :-(  boo hoo !!

Anyways, I am on this other computer where I can't download or nothing and can't access my schtuff and I remember I haven't done the Candy Winner yet... sorry Peeps.
I used this little number thingy I found and here is the result................................

Enter a lower limit: 
Enter an upper limit: 
Random Number:

Ta Da !!!
So the Winner is......... HOUSE OF BEARS  

Please contact me [email on side bar under my profile pikkie] and I will arrange to send your goodies out to you. Congrats xxxxx

Things may take a while now Peeps as I shall be borrowing computers here and there until I can get mine sorted :-(  Anyone who knows how to fix it.. feel free to let me know !!

Mega Hugz xx


  1. Cant help on the tech side Ike . . . just came to CONGRATULATE House of Bears on their win.

    Hope you get fixed up soon.

    Sarn xxx

  2. Well done to the house of bears.. and trust as said it sorted soooon! Shaz in Oz.x

  3. Oooh how exciting, thank you so much, we will contact you forthwith, Horace is busy writing his acceptance speech right now and feeling overwhelmed with luck. Tee hee. Hope your computer glitches are unglitched soonest.

    Hugs and thanks from all the bears xx
