Thursday 9 August 2012


Hello Poe Peeps,
I apologise for our lateness in bringing you this month's Quest over at QUOTH THE RAVEN - Our POE site, but we were not all present and correct due to holidays and tragic personal circumstances.
However, Quest 12 - THE GOLD BUG is now up and running. :-D
The story is about Pirates and treasure and stuff... all very exciting... so if you want to read the whole story, please go HERE.

For my offering to you this time I have used, an old map, cypher page,  old book illustration from the story and the gold bug from the web and my main image is 'Zombie Pirate' from DELICIOUS DOODLES. Isn't he just the business ???!!! :-) 
I used a small box with a sort of recess in it to make my piece - it's about A5 size.
I also made a stick pin with some red baubles, a silver heart and a little silver skully :-) 

So, now it's a fabbo Challenge and I hope you will have a look at the story, dig out all your pirate stuff and come over and play with us at QUOTH THE RAVEN. This will be a month long Challenge so you have plenty of time :-D xxx