Wednesday 1 January 2020


Good morning Peeps and Happy New Year.
This year I decided to join the 30 DAY SKETCHBOOK CHALLENGE 2020, which is organised and run by MAGENTA SKY PRINTMAKING.

Image may contain: text

This is a new thing for me as I don't do a lot of actual ' off the cuff ' sketching, but this year I would like to branch out into Art Journaling and Mixed Media and schtuff :-D  I signed up for Watercolour classes at our village centre too and that starts again in a couple of weeks. Totally scary for me because watercolours are sooooo different from the Guache that I used and once you put them down, they're down and that's that !!!  Very scary :-D

Anyways, I am blabbing on so here is my piece for DAY 1 -  The theme is " SPOTS & DOTS ". 
I have used my new Memory Keepers Marker Airbrush to make a rainbow background - so there's one lot of dots. Then I 'drew' one of my IKEsART images onto it using small dots with a fine black marker. 
I used to do a lot of this type of thing at art college when I was obsessed with it for a while. You just keep 'dotting' and make them closer together when you want to go darker - just like newspaper pictures used to be.  I guess it's a bit like doing Pixels but this was long before we even knew what pixels were hahaha This piece is obviously a simple version with not a lot of shading :-)

I'm not really bothered about the white corners as I might go back at some point and do a bit of journaling in there :-D

Thank you for stopping by and I welcome your comments. x0x0x0

Challenges I am entering:

Little Red Wagon Challenge #529 - NBUS   new Memory Keepers airbrush 8/1
Simon Say Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Something New   8/1
EllieBelles Weds Challenge - Something New    2/2
International Art + Soul Challenge #73 - Anything But A Card   5/2


  1. A beautiful sketch Happy New Year . 🍾. 🍾.
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  2. This is gorgeous, Ike! And I know what you mean for watercolors: they become an obsession! HAPPY NEW YEAR, my dear friend.

  3. Happy New Year, this sounds like a fabulous challenge a super way to branch out of our comfort zone. My Daughter did a whole term at Art college on pointillism by the end of the term she was creating magnificent art work, it's amazing what can be seen if we look deeper into those dots. Happy PPF Tracey

  4. So beautifully done!
    Thank you so much for joining in at my Crafty Wednesday challenge this month where the theme is New Goodies or Old Favorites! Hope to see you there again soon!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  5. Oh I love that technique, I've never tried it but I would love to try! The piece is beautiful! Did you have a sore hand after? Looks like it took a long time!!! But well worth it! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. No sore hand this time because it was a fairly small piece but I have suffered before on large pieces LoL

  6. Great challenge!
    I agree - gorgeous page, Ike!

  7. This is so pretty. Thank you for joining our challenge at International art and Soul.
    Debbie DT

  8. What a brilliant way to start out a challenge! I hope you'll share more in the future. Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Little Red Wagon!
