Friday 2 November 2018


Hello Peeps and happy November :-)
I am getting back into Blogging my stuff again having finished 31 Days of Halloween LoL
Today I have a couple of card commissions.
The first is for a guy who likes mountain climbing and my friend wanted him with a laptop LoL
I used a clip art mountain background and water coloured a guy with a laptop. I superimposed the Windows logo onto his screen. Some of the mountains were printed twice and fussy cut and put on with 3D foamies for depth. I always add a little mountain goat to his cards :-D Finally I added some glitter on the snow.

This one is for her grand daughter who is into the darker side of things, so thought she would like this one. 
I have used ' The Queen of Hearts ' by THE STAMPING BOUTIQUE, (they don't appear to be trading now)
I used some red background and tore it, then laced it together with some cord. The paper underneath was spattered with some red ink.  Then I made a doily using parchment paper which I hand drew the pattern onto with parchment craft tools. The teeny flowers were from my stash. 

I have a new Challenge just started over on my IKEsART FaceBook Fan Page and there is a new image for this month - Scared Kitty...........

Don't forget to keep your pets safe this Fireworks Night !!

Thank you for popping in today. xxx