Wednesday 7 February 2018


Good morning Peeps,
I was tickled by the latest Challenge over at THE THREE MUSES which is 'Umbrella' and an idea popped into my head straight away.
I love this Challenge Blog as most of the entries are digitally made and it gives me a chance to play in Photoshop. :-D

I have made this piece using Photoshop which features Botticelli's - Birth of Venus but with one small changed detail LoL

I think she definitely fits into the Challenge now hee hee  :-D

I hope you are having a good day where you are. It's got really windy again today and is very grey. I shall be staying indoors and all my poor kitties are unsettled.... they don't DO wind, and the dog keeps barking at any slight noise :-D

Thanks for popping in xxxxx

Challenges I am entering:

Craftin Kimmy Challenge #416 - Movie Inspired..... Venus   10/2


  1. Hi Ike . . . interesting piece!

    I woke up to SNOW this morning. Brrrr!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. Great idea, and beautifully done !

  3. We also woke up to snow now cleared.
    Stunning creation Ginny x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  4. Awesome card!! Thanks for joining our Kraftin Kimmie Stamps challenge.
    Marilyn DT

  5. Fabulous idea, topnotch artwork. I love it (a lot!)

  6. a clever idea which you have executed perfectly! xo

  7. poor kitties!

    Well, this piece is amazing! I love your imagination:)
