Saturday 28 October 2017


Hello all my Peeps,
I am here today to say that I am celebrating 7 years of Blogging here at IKEsWORLD. :-D
I've managed to amass 365 Followers in that time and I love to read all the wonderful comments from my Peeps.
To celebrate I am offering this Prize as a Thank You to you all.

The Winner will be chose from all the people who COMMENT below and are Followers of my Blog. The draw will take place on 1st November 2017.

Thank you too for the support you give my IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES. We will be celebrating our 100th Challenge on 24th October and I have lots of fabulous Prizes to give away, and a big prize from me :-)
I hope you will come over and join in our celebration.

Thank you too for the growing support for my CAT LOVERs' CHALLENGES - SUYP. The Followers are growing nicely there too. The latest Challenge is HERE.

There are always lots of FREEBIES to be found on both Challenge Blogs and on the IKEsART FACEBOOK FAN PAGE.
There are also lots of FREEBIES to be found in my SHOP:     IKEsART  which now has Instant Download facility.

Best wishes to all of you and thank you x xxxx


  1. ♥congrats on your seven years here to the next seven ♥
    Ginny x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  2. Congrats,wow, 7 years!! I have some more to go, LOL

  3. Super big congrats Ike, here is to many more :) :) :) xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Awesome. Huge congrats to you on 7 special years and heres to seven more. Super excited for the ikes world challenge! Hugs from the USA

  5. Congratulations, Ike!! Wow....7 years..that's fantastic! Seven years ago, I didn't even know papercraft blogging existed!! Ha. Here's to another wonderful 7+ years ahead. Thank you for this gorgeous die giveaway!! I follow you on Google Friend Connect and by email. :)
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  6. congrats on your 7 years!
    You have blogaversary on same date when is my hubby's birthday.
    but my hubby will have 38 :D

  7. Happy 7th Blogaversary to one of the most generous, talented and crazy women I know. Love ya! Here's to the next 7, and the next, and the next... xxD

  8. Congrats Ike. Happy 7th anniversary. Hugz

  9. Happy 7th Blogaversary, Ike!! Great milestone. Wishing you more successes. XXX

  10. Congrats on your seven years, Ike!!
    /You already have your First Seven! Smile./
    Be happy!

  11. Happy 7th Blogaversary Ike!
    Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful Prize.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, Valerija xx

  12. Congratulations on 7 years, Ike! That's awesome! You are talented and generous and very much appreciated! Wishing you continued success! And a big THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2017 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!

  13. Wow 7 years already, Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Thank you for being so generous all the time especially sponsoring our blog at Your Scrapbook Place! = )

  14. I am a new follower--just came over from Janis' blog for the Cat Lover's blog hop--thanks for being a sponsor.
    Congrats on your 7 years.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  15. WOW 7 years already!! Congrats!!!

  16. Congratulations Ike, fabulous milestone & here's to many more crafty years to come😘

  17. Hi Ike! I am a new follower and found you along the cat Lovers Hop! Thanks for being a sponsor there, and congrats on your 7th blogaversary!

  18. Happy 7th Blogaversary Ike!
    Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize and thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog. Jours snow deer digi is realy beautiful .-)
    Have a great sunday.
    Hugs, Majda xx
