Thursday 18 May 2017


Hello Peeps,
I haven't made much this last week as I have been slaving away here putting the images into my NEW SHOP. :-)
I now have INSTANT DOWNLOADS straight after you checkout - which is much better yes ?!!
I have got some of my DT to test it out and they say it is super fast :-D
I have a little more tweaking to do but at least everything has been moved over from the old place.
The other thing I can do is add Discount Vouchers and Flash Sales - which is awesome :-D I have go the Categories all down the left side AND there is a SEARCH box too - just go into whatever category you look for and then search for images :-D
Thanks for popping in and I hope you have time to go and have a looksee :-)

The old site will be there for a while but will then drop off.
If you have one of my Sidebar Badges, please feel free to update it with a new one here:

and here's a new SHOP LINK

Thanks for popping in xx