Friday 31 March 2017


Helloooooo Friday Peeps,

I hope you are all well and maybe even getting some good weather ?

I was sitting here colouring something for a challenge when a really, really silly idea came into my head. !!! 
Now - I don't know how old you are, but I remember years ago that in magazines and in the Tube Stations, there were adverts for Badedas Bath liquid/salts, and they always had those images like you get on the front of a Mills & Boon novel and the caption was..... " Things Happen After A Badedas Bath "... you know - trying to make you think this handsome hero comes in through your window just cuz you've had a bloomin' bath !!! LoL  Here's a couple I found...


Annnnywaaaays..... I decided to use the image I was colouring up for my own version of this schmaltzy advert, so here it is.....

I wanted to get another hit in over at the Sisterhood so obviously I had to make a snarky/naughty comment on there. In your mind you have to pronounce it properly right ???!   hee hee  :-D

Image is a digital stamp from QKR STAMPEDE called ' Bath Bear', with some added balloons. She is coloured with Spectrum Noir markers and has KindyGlitz on her bubbles. 
I added a jewelled crown. Obviously her Bad-ass bath turned her into a queen hahahaha :-D

Right - well I am off now to see what's going on upstairs..... I am fostering a Rescue puppy - who I have named OSKAR - and he is up there with my Moishe getting up to who knows what and it's nearly their tea time anyhow. 
I will try and snag a photo of him to put on here later :-)  

Challenges I am entering:

QKR Stampede Challenge #237 - AG + Up, Up, & Away   7/4  *** Winner ***


  1. Ha! Tea spurted! I remember those ads but I have never thought of making a snarky version. Brilliant! Thanks for comping back to play again at the Sisterhood

  2. What a hoot!! This just made me laugh! Fantastic take on their advertising and beautifully colored! Thanks for joining our weekly challenge at QKR Stampede!

  3. BRAVO!
    /Thank you for this excellent mood!
    I remember those Badedas too - but like conversation./
    Have a nice and creative weekend!

  4. I do believe it's my country of origin not my age that leaves me unfamiliar with Badedas... but my mom's women's magazines had similar versions. ;) This is just about perfect, Ike! Love it! Thanks for joining the fun again at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  5. This is so funny, Ike! Thanks for playing with the Sistahs again, Jo x

  6. OK those ads are seriously creepy...but I love your take on it with the bear LOL
    Thanks for joining the sisterhood for Q is for Queen!

  7. Didnt see those magazines.
    But your card is awesome!

  8. Super card. Thank you for sharing with QKR Stampede.

  9. Hey, my friend, congrats on being a winner at QKR Stampede last week! :-D

    1. Ooooh ! Thank you for the 'heads up' xxxxxxxxxx
