Thursday 21 July 2016


Good morning Peeps - well, the weekend is creeping ever closer eh ? !!

I have popped in to show you what I made using some super cute images which were drawn by a little Friend of mine on her Facebook Page :-D
I think they are so darn cute, so I asked her MuM if I could colour them up and use them to make something as a surprise !!!

I added some googly eyes for fun and made this box card using scraps of pets papers - not sure who they are sold by as I bought them from someone's stash clearance ! :-)

The pets are coloured with Spectrum Noir markers and then fixed to the box card using strips of acetate to make them look like they are floating :-)

I must whizz off now as I am making 2 wedding  and a Baptism cards for an order, so I will show you those a bit later :-)

Thanks for dropping by xxxxxxxxxx

Challenges I am entering:

Fab n Funky Challenges # 314 - TIC, TAC, TOE.... 3 papers, digis, + Tag
Crafting With Friends Challenge #25 - AG    *** DT Favourite ***
Imagine That Challenges - Fancy Folds     **** WINNER ****


  1. ooooooooooooooooooo We love it!
    I show this to Mario and he say awesome!
    you did so great job!
    googly eyes are so cool detail on them!
    Love this pop up card!
    so great!
    and theme of the card is great!
    lots of hugs

    1. Thank you Fiki :-) I hope Paola likes what I did with them and thank you both so much for letting me use them :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. OMG this is tooooo cute! Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood’s ‘ANIMALS’ challenge and please come back again soon!
    one of the 'Sistahs'
    The Sisterhood of Crafters
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please come for a visit!

  3. Cute pop up box, great images, thanks for sharing at Fab'n'Funky this week.

    Pat xx

  4. Adorable! Love your pop up box card! Thank you for sharing with us at The Sisterhood of Crafters.

  5. sooo cute! i love that you did this with the sketches...what a compliment for young hands. and that sign off. omg...meesers and cats...don't get me into that! x

  6. What a brilliant make...Paola is a very talented young lady, the animals she drew are so cute! Fabulous box card design.
    Thanks for joining us at Fab n Funky this week.

  7. Wow, Ike! I love how you coloured the kitties! They are so cute! Paola is very talented! Your pop-up box is gorgeous and I like the message as well!

  8. this is fantastic box card love the little kitties Ginny x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  9. Adorable! They did an awesome job!!! Such a sweet box!

  10. Thanks for joining our Challenge at Creative Moments, good luck.
    Angie DT

  11. OMGoodness! How stinkin' adorable is this??? I totally love it! Thanks for playing the Color Throwdown Challenge this week! Hope to see you again next time!

  12. So cute!!!! I love the drawings. Great card in a box, cute papers too. Thanks for sharing with us at Inspiration Destination this week. Good luck!!! Patricia

  13. Brilliant box card and love the cute animals with their googly eyes---Thank you for joining us at Crafting With Friends
    Carol DT x

  14. Adorable! Love how you added the wiggly eyes to the animal images. Thanks for joining us at the Color Throwdown!

  15. Oh, that is so cute!!! Thanks so much for participating in our CREATIVE PLAYGROUND challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!! Have a great crafty day!!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  16. Super cute! Thanks for joining in Scrapper's Delights' challenge!!
