Saturday 14 May 2016


Hey Peeps - I am back again quickly eh ??!!!  LoL 

I just saw the latest SOSS Challenge and it's called F is for 'FUGLY' and it's tempting you to sort through your craft stuff and find something really nasty that you wouldn't use in a million years. !!
Well - a looooong while back I bought a set of paper pads from Paper Journeys and one of the pads is so disgusting that I wouldn't use any of it. !! I don't like the papers or any of the images, so it has festered in my stash for yeeeeeears !!
I forced myself to use a piece of the patterned paper with a cat trying to tear it's way out ............................ hee hee......

The background was made using an embossing folder smeared with ink pads in blue and black. I stamped the kitty and then cut open the Fugly paper to mimic the edges on the stamped image. I coloured the cat's eye with Copics.
I made some sentiment strips and stuck them on and Ta Da - there we are !!!

Paper -' Domestic Bliss ' 6" x 6" paper pad from Paper Journeys
Stamp from Crackerbox Palace.
Font - Kat Crap

Challenges I am entering:

Sisterhood Of Snarky Stampers Challenge#59 - F is for FUGLY


  1. Each to his own fugly paper, I think that cat is so cute fighting is way out of the fugly paper, fab. sentiments. Thanks for joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for the F is for Fugly challenge.

  2. Ha ha this made me smile love him fighting his way out from behind the paper. A smashing car
    Ginny x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  3. LOL! Never thought to have a kitty scratch its way out of fugly paper. Brilliant idea!! Thanks for joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  4. ROFL! This is so funny, never thought of fugly paper :) Thanks for joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for the F is for *Fugly* challenge.

    Majo - DT ♥

  5. love this!
    its so fun and its great!
    have a nice day

  6. Brilliant the puddy cat image....I think I would want to leave the papers too!....We have all got fugly in our stash.... Joolsx

  7. I love the way your brain works, Ike!! Brilliantly fugly paper, but done so well.

  8. Tee Hee . . . fun post Ike. Great project though and love the embossed/inky background . . . sets off the fugly paper perfectly! xxx

  9. This really is brilliant... the kitty totally takes your attention away from the fugly paper! Glad I'm not the only one who hangs onto stuff I don't like. ;) Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  10. Ha ha ha ha this is perfect!! Love the "trying to break free of fugly" kitty!!
    Thanks for joining the sisterhood of snarky stampers for "F is for Fugly"

  11. This is great, I love it! Thanks for joining us at SoSS with your truly fugly paper, Jo x

  12. big grin... this is a good laugh at my morning coffee:)


  13. Seriously CUTE! What a great concept, the peaking through and taking a look... I am totally scraplifting this...Grin. Thanks so much for joining us over at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for our "F" is for FUGLY challenge.

  14. Fantastic idea, to have the cat trying to escape from the paper - and great sentiment to go with it
