Wednesday 14 January 2015


OMGoodness .... I can't believe I am sooo late posting my creation - I totally had the wrong date in my head (and Diary !!)
Anyhoo Peeps - here I am back with my Minion Buddies and ready to play over at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE, with our first Challenge of the year.
There have been a few changes to our system, but nothing too drastic ...... basically we're now going to be running just one Challenge a month, starting on the first Monday of every month and running until just before the next month's Challenge. 
Our first Challenge of this year is... "WHAT's NEW PUSSYCAT ?" ....
You can use new stash, or a new technique, or cats, or focus on something that's "new" New year, new moon, newly dead, new fears, new passions. 


My piece uses a New Technique (for me anyways) as I tried stamping onto clay with a rubber stamp. I then brushed a black ink pad over the top and this is what I got !!! I forgot that I should have cut around it whilst it was still damp but I forgot and didn't have the nerve to try anything after it dried in case I broke it. !!!
My rubber stamp is from the "AS DEATH" unmounted rubber stamp set by Smeared Ink.
I mounted it inside an acetate frame and added scary masks all around as a border.

The Minions have made some amazing creations for you to see so please come over and play along at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE :-D

Challenges I am entering:

Inky Impressions #192 - Monochrome


  1. Wow what a stunning project Ginny x

  2. Screech! Running away fast . . . . xxx

  3. Great project...brilliant design.....Thank you for joining us over on Fun n Funky....Julieannex

  4. Brilliantly made creation and love the image and goodies added. Thanks so much for entering in our challenge at Fab N Funky.

    Hope to see you in our next challenge. Cheers, aNNie

    {Fan N Funky DT Member}

  5. Very interesting technique! Thank you for joining us at Inky Impressions!

  6. WOW!!!! I'm blown away with your image and technique!!! Thanks for joining us at A Step in the Dark and good luck!
    Lynne, A Step in the Dark DT
