Saturday 12 July 2014

Oooooh !!! HOW CREEPY !!

Hello creepy Peeps,
I have here a bit of fun for you as my entry to the 'OH, THE HORROR '  July Challenge over at SMEARED & SMUDGED FORUM.
The movie this time is SINISTER... a horror story  starring Ethan Hawke. It's about a Pagan deity called BUGHUUL and you can see the trailer HERE.
Well - silly mode set in today and I had already printed off this week's FREEBIE from SPYDER - 'Carrots The Bunny' so I decided to use him.
Can you guess what's coming yet ??????

Ta Dah !!! "ONCE YOU'VE SEEN HIM.... NOTHING CAN SAVE YOU"  ........Bwaahahahahaha..........

Well - I am chuckling like a mad thing this end, so it tickled me creating this :-D

Image - Carrots the Bunny by SPYDER coloured with Promarkers. He should look really sweet and cute with his bunch of carrots like this ...............

........ but Hey - this is ME, right ??!!!! LoL

Bloody drip edging cut and coloured by hand.
Background splatter paper from the Cranium Set by Smeared Ink
Curious Rat from Mad Science Set by Smeared Ink
"Ghoulipop" by Smeared Ink
'SINISTER' film poster background from Web

Challenges I am entering:

The Crafters' Cafe #71 - Use a Line from a Movie          **WINNER**
A Step In The Dark #5 - Anything Goes/Dark Fantasy


  1. OKAY . . . I take it back . . . the Darker Side Mojo is BA-ACK!
    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  2. haha ha...oh my goodness I'm never going to look a bunny in the same way again! BRILLIANT!

  3. Oh Wow Ike! Sure is one scary bunnykins :) And I wish that cat would stop blinking at me from the bottom left of your screen - freakin' me out!

    Hugs, Di xx

  4. Thank you for be part of Retarte # 6 at Stampartpapel. Your card is fantastic. We hope to see you more frequently in our challenge. Hugs!

  5. Wow! That change has given the original image!! Thanks for participating in challenge yourself, DT StampartPapel Marianela

  6. Ive just seen he won a challenge! clever bunny and ike!!

