Thursday 3 April 2014


Well, it's me again with my piece for the latest Challenge over at QUOTH THE RAVEN  our POE inspired Challenge Blog. The new QUEST #31 is called POE-cabulary and the challenge is to create a project illustrating one of the works of Edgar Allan POE. This can be anything you like so long as it is obvious what the connection is with POE.
Here is my piece for this one:

I have chosen to illustrate POE's poem entitled 'Eldorado'. If you wish to read it or see any of his other works, there is a complete list HERE.
My background uses an engraving by George Pearson (1850-1910) and was produced in 1864. (Public domain image)
I added a moon to it and superimposed my 'POE Skull Bust'  (without the Raven) over the top of it with a blue 'glow' effect. The little creepy death guy is called "Gofrey 2" and is by Drellas Dazstudio (although this site looks to have been dead since 2010). I printed him 3 times and fussy cut sections to make him 3D.
The knight is from my Shop too.... "KNIGHT 3".. I just flipped him round the other way. I coloured the horse with Promarkers and the Knight with silver + gold pens. Pity it doesn't show up his armour on the photo :-)
The scroll is from DOODLE DRAGON STUDIOS - Dustin Pike and I typed the POE poem on the top of it. I cut it out twice to make the scroll ends 3D with foam tabs.
The whole piece was mounted onto card printed with my Freebie  POE RAVEN Background Paper, faded out a bit so that it wasn't ultra prominent.

So, that's it from me for now. I hope you will pop over to QUOTH THE RAVEN and see what my fellow Minions of The Master have cooked up for you this time... you are in for a treat I can tell you :-D

See you later xx


  1. Great piece and great poem selection! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Absolutely brilliant. You are a genius xxx

  3. This is absolutely fabulous love the verse Ginny x

  4. Brilliant make. Love the individual elements that go together so well.
    I watched a film about POE and for the first time, I actually understood who he was and what he was about... Blooming gruesome stories lol
    <3 & hugs
    Lisa xxxx

  5. I love this. you are so creative. I especially love Gofrey 2 hehehe he's adorable. stunning art Ike.
    susan s
