Friday 7 March 2014


Happy Friday Peeps,
When I saw the latest Challenge over at PUNK YOU GIRL I just knew this was for me and I got an idea straight away. The Challenge is called "FAIRY TALES GONE BAD", and here is my creation....

The background is a photo from yonks back of a wood in Essex, but I've never done anything with this pic before and thought it would work OK. For the main image I have used "RED" - one of my own digital images from the Red Riding Hood series and coloured her digitally. The Wolf head in the Basket is another of my digis from  "WOLF 1"... I just hacked it off him.... much like she did really Bwaahahaha !!!

I think this one is defintely a Fairy Tale gone bad don't you ?!!! LoL

Challenges I am entering:

Punk You Girl Challenge #10 - Fairy Tales Gone Bad
Crafty Little Fairies - Song or Film Title ... Red Riding Hood
Musically Challenged Challenge #20 - Songs with Colour Reference..Red Shoes - Elvis Costello


  1. Just like that!
    /On the eve of Women's Day - Take matters into your own hands, ladies!/
    Dear Ike - I can only say -

  2. AMAZING! I'm so freakin' jealous of your digi work, Ike! xxD

  3. Yep . . . that fairy tale sure has gone baaaaaad! I love the way you think and that sentiment is BRILLIANT.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  4. This sure is a Fairy Tale gone bad!!! I love this! thanks for being our first entry at the Left of Center Anniversary Challenge! Remember you can enter up to five times till the 31st of March! Thanks for sharing Ike! Mo dt xxx

    Oh, and thanks for being the first entry in our Fairy Tale's gone bad challenge at PunkyouGirl this month too! Great to see your entry there! mo xxx

  5. Wow, this is amazing! Incredible artwork. So glad you came back to join us again at Sisterhood of the Snarky Stampers!

  6. Fabulous artwork, your card is awesome thanks for playing along with us at the Sisterhoon of the Snarky Stampers for the unused challenge.

  7. This is sooo cool! Can't get over your coloring that awesome image digitally! Thanks for joining us for the U is for Unused challenge at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  8. Whoa Ike...this is sooooooo out there dexterish wonderbar! i love it! And the way she is looking so proud. Hmmmm. I could put a few "wolves" in that basket. hee hee hee. Your artwork on your magicboard is SO incredibly amazingly astonisingly great Ikella. I look at that shading and wonder to myself "why is this womyn not producing for every womyn's art magazine out there digitally and teaching?" Although I know it may not be your forte. It is really just a dream of mine to take classes from you. The background - I am so glad you decided to use it. Your RED looks so fantastic on it. RED's knees - man, the shading there is just beautiful! Who would think a digi could have the sexiest knees around! I love your imagination with this one. So very twisted sister fairytale! Best of luck Ike - I'm in awe!!!!! xox

  9. Brilliant card! Your digital coloring is amazing and I love how you've "altered" that poor wolf...hehehe. Thanks for joining us at LOC to celebrate our anniversary :) And a big thanks for being one of our wonderful sponsors!

  10. Beautiful vibrant colors - Cute little pup!!
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday #127 girl or lady image challenge, Have a great day
    DIANA L.

  11. this is great! i love what you've done with the images, and it really hits the mark of the challenge!

    Thank you for joining PUG :)
    Laila aka Koneko

  12. Howling at this!! Love it and what your wonderfully sick mind has created. I may have to make another entry for this w/ an Ike's Art image! Crazy delicious and fab senit. Awesome digi work.

  13. Thank you so much for entering our current challenge FAIRYTALES gone wrong, over on the "PunkYouGirl" dark challenge blog...

    Ike, this is amazing! Your work with digital images and colouring is absolutely mind blowing. You have really taken on the theme and the darkness we like. I really love this!

    As this is my first challenge with this brilliant DT, I hope I will be seeing more entire from you in our future monthly challenges...

    Dark <3 & creepy hugs
    Lisa xxxx PYG DT Member

  14. LOL! I love the sentiment - this is real girl power! Gorgeous image and digital colouring. Thank you for joining in the fun at Left of Center. xxx Keren

  15. Great Piece Ike love what you have done here ! Thanks for joining in at Punk you Girl ! Kay (DT)
