Tuesday 21 January 2014


Hello Folks and welcome to week to of MACABRE MONDAY HDH 180 over at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE with  week 2 of our Challenge theme 'FRESH BLOOD'.

I have done another couple of pages in my converted camera instruction book, that I am turning into a sort of Journal :-)

I found a bit of scrapbooking paper and stuck that onto one side. I didn't have a big enough piece for the left side, so I tore it up into pieces and stuck them on randomly on that side. Then I swiped it with a coat of Gesso to tone the left side down a bit.

I printed the image onto a background I had made using a 'Brush' from Studio Suzy Q Scraps from her 'North Pole Rub-Ons' set.  This was one of her freebies from July last year. I altered the colour to a dark blood colour.

I then coloured another copy of the image in PSE and then print and cut it out and stuck it onto the original background. Now, I can't remember where this image comes from, so if anyone klnows, then maybe they can let me know ?

I typed out my words using a font called 'A Lolitta Scorned' and then cut up the words. The phrase is by Calvin Trillin and it just made me giggle.  :-D

For those who are not Jewish... 'SCHMALTZ'  is clarified chicken fat we use in cooking instead of butter or lard since butter is a dairy product and that can't be eaten with meat, and lard comes from pork - which we don't eat. We also use the word as meaning 'overly sentimental' or  slushy lovey dovey.... I'm sure you know what I mean. :-D

OK - so there it is.! I hope you will pop over and see what my fellow Minions have made for you to see and also play along with us at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE

Byeee for now xx


  1. Fab image Ike and fab pages, Love the colours and bg and I even learnt something today ;) xx

  2. Love this Ike, the image is gorgeous........Fab journal page(s) :)

  3. Fabulously goulish and vampy xxx

  4. Awesome image and the font it absolutely PERfect!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment!!! Hugs, Terri ♥

  5. Wow totally adore this! very creative to use that photo book to make your journal. Love the blood spatter and that image is just fab.

  6. I remember hearing on Saturday Night Live as a kid, "You've got a little SCHMALTZ on your face" but of course never knew what it meant. Thanks for the vocab lesson and the little glimpse into Judaism. I knew that people of Jewish faith didn't eat pork and I remember something about having to use separate pots for different foods but it has been so long since I studied that I've forgotten a lot of what I learned. The sentiment really is very funny and works perfectly with your beautiful creation. Great journal page.

