Monday 2 December 2013


Hello Peeps, Just popping in with a quicky to show you the ATC I made for the November Swap over at YOUR PAPER PANTRY. I'm pretty sure Donkey Mail has delivered them all now, so I can post it :-)
The background is actually silver but it's picked up a bit of bounce colour from my T shirt !!!

I used all the bits and bob I had stashed in my Christmas box leftovers from last year. cool eh ??

Now - I shall be announcing the Winner of my Candy in just a little while - sorry - I had major life problems yesterday and wasn't able to get it organised xx

Challenges I am entering:


  1. Morning Ike . . . STUNNING festive tag. Love it! Hope all is well with you today after what sounds like drama(s) yesterday.

    Sarn x

  2. Hi Ike, I don't think I have ever seen such a pretty ATC card as this one before! Hugs Mrs A.

  3. Oh Ike, this really is gorgeous - so pretty and brilliant use of snippets!

    Hugs, Di xx

  4. Such a beautiful ATC gorgeous colour Ginny♥

  5. Very beautiful and brilliant tag! BRAVO!

  6. Gorgeous work. Absolutely gorgeous. The recipient will be a luck person indeed!

  7. Hi Suzy, this is gorgeous ... and I think the pink that bounced off your t-shirt was simple serendipity at work :) Fabulous use of last year's leftovers. Elizabeth xx
