Wednesday 25 September 2013


Hi there Wednesday Peeps and welcome to WOYWW 225 - the chance to snoop round people's desks from all over the world. :-)
If you're not familiar with this then pop over to JULIA's Blog and you can find all the details.
Well - today I have just received my parcel from Artist Clare WILLCOCKS  - a young lady I found a couple months ago who is a watercolour artist (amongst other things) but one of the things she does that I completely fell in love with are Seagulls, and she has recently opened up an Etsy shop :-)  So today finally "The Seagulls have landed"  hahahaha !! and here they are to show you Peeps. I purchased 'Professional Seagulls' and  got a freebie 'Chip Pincher' as well that is soooo adorable. There is another painting I got my eye on too, so I may well be collecting these little gems :-D

Clare is also dabbling her toes into the crafting world too and if you'd like to visit her personal Blog to see her paintings and crafting, then please go HERE.

OK - I'm off desk hopping now. Happy WOYWW.

OMGoodness !!! .... I forgot to put up the Kitty Wall I was making last week - so many people asked to see it so here it is. All images are from SPYDER.


  1. Aaahhh, these seagulls are indeed adorable! The size makes me realise I haven't created ATCs in a while... I might just find some time this afternoon to make some. Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #76 (Oh, and there's a 'golden oldie' for you on my blog today!)

  2. These are so darned cute. Can see why you want to collect them.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx (and thanks for visiting me)
    ps you weren't up last time I looked or I would have tried to get to you before you got to me for a change.

  3. Oh, just seen your Cavalier King Charles picture. Did you paint it? It is amazing!
    I once had a CKC and he was the loveliest little fella you could wish to meet. it was love at first sight with the two of us. 20 years since he left but I still miss him so much.
    Hugs, neet

  4. Hi Ike! Love the seagulls that your artist friend painted and you bought. Professional seagulls...haha love it!! Oh WOW I have just checked out your animal portraits...they are fantastic!! It is inspiring me to draw again.. You have a lot of talent :-). Thanks for visiting my blog earlier and have a great week. Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #17

  5. They're gorgeous, she is a very talented lady indeed. Love the chip pincher.
    Have a great week.
    Von #41

  6. Good morrow. We love seagulls too after many years of living by the sea. Those art works are just fabberooni ( bear term)

    Thanks for visiting us already today :)

  7. Thanks for visit IKE. #73

    Got a bit distracted looking at the entrant's to your world challenge. Hope it goes really well for you!

  8. Ooh and kitties too, of course we wanted to see the finished result. We totally love it, it's so fun and full of character (or should that be catacter?) what lady constructing a bear btw? We thought you meant here but we can't see. Have we developed bear construction blindness?

    1. Ah No - not here. One of the ladies on WOYWW 225 but I can't remember the number now... I just finished all way up to #84 :-(

    2. The lady constructing the bear is #65, I believe!
      Happy WOYWW

  9. Super seagulls, the kitty wall is superb, and thanks for visiting me BJ#26

  10. Sweet cards Ike thanks for the visit xx Jan (83)

  11. Oh those seagulls are fabulous! I think I might need to go some shopping too ;) Your kitties are gorgeous - my daughter would LOVE them!

    Kate WOYWW # 85

  12. I so have to check out her shop! My parents would love something seagull for the beach. My grandmother used to make spaghetti with blue-claw crabs in the sauce (yum) then dip the bread in the leftover sauce and feed the gulls. There was always a cloud of them hanging around, just waiting, long after she was gone. I wonder if I could get one with spaghetti hanging out of it's mouth.... :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  13. Love your kitty world Ike! I love kitties and how each one of yours has such a personality of their own (like real ones!) Clare's seagulls are darling and living on LI I see a lot of gulls! Will pay her a visit too! Thanks for your kind one this morning! Winnie#75

  14. Kitty wall is fabulous, so many details. Love the seagulls too
    Famfa 3

  15. Love you kitty wall they all seem to have personalities Ginny x

  16. Don't talk to me about seagulls! They are a blinkin' nuisance round here! And there are LOTS of "chip pinchers" for unsuspecting tourists! At least they have stopped screeching at 4am now the baby gulls have grown a bit!

    Love the Kitty Wall.

    Sarn xxx

  17. Thanks for visiting- the bats are a digital die cut- you get the card and a pile of little bats too!
    Enjoyed my snoop around your place.
    Robyn 13

  18. I knew your cat scene would be fab! I love the rather worried looking black cat on the wall. Those seagulls are fun aren't they? Thanks for your visit have a great week. MMx #48

  19. Those are brilliant little seagulls, water colouring something that small is not easy! Love the cat wall too, I made sure I saw it last week, it's brilliant.

    Brenda 1

  20. Of course I love the kitty wall, as does Socks! The water colouring is gorgeous - what a lovely parcel. Have a great day, Victoria no.64

  21. Fab, fab, fab kitty wall! I love it. Those seagulls are lovely too! Happy WoyWW! Julie Ann xx #35

  22. I love your kitty wall!!! Oh my is it cute! And the seagulls are pretty cool, too. Thanks for visiting and happy WOYWW!
    Carol n #87

  23. I think these are all so sweet. the kitty wall is the cats meow! lol happy WoYWW Peg R #99

  24. Your work is so beautiful. happy crafting #5

  25. Hi Ike, thanks for swinging by earlier..Ha ha I loved running up the steps, it was fun! Love the seagulls and the Kitty Wall came out beautifully. Cx #32

  26. I love Clare's seagulls, Ike! TFS! You and I both posted artwork from others today! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Thanks for the visit to me! Darnell #22

  27. I'm still laughing over the "seagulls have landed!" Oh my. They are great. I love the professional seagulls, like a seagull should be taken seriously. How cute. Thanks for sharing the finished kitty wall. So much work went into that!

  28. Love the seagulls! Thank you for stopping by my space earlier. :) Have a wonderful WOYWW!

  29. Oh I'm so glad they finally arrived! Thank you for linking to my blog, I hope they're settling in nicely to their new home and are making friends with some of the locals in the warmer climbs! X

  30. The seagulls are great - I'm off to check her out as my brothers football team are the seagulls...
    Laura 102

  31. Your kitty project is adorable! Isn't Lynn one talented woman (Spyder).

    The seagulls are uber cute! I'll have to check out her blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (25)

  32. Love those seagulls! A talented lady for sure. And the kitty wall is adorable! Thanks for your visit, Cindy

  33. love the seagulls, thanks for sharing and visiting mine, Donna #54

  34. Adorable seagulls thanks for visiting my desk. Have a great week. Julie x

  35. Hi Ike
    cute, cute and even cute-er cats
    have a good week
    janet #48

  36. Oh! How lovely - kitties and sea gulls - both so cute! Will check out the sea gulls. Thanks for your visit. Maybe I should try drawing my robin! Chris77

  37. I love the seagulls, you made a good find. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment Kim #31

  38. I love the seagulls, you made a good find. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment Kim #31

  39. Wow love the seagulls! And your kitty wall is amazing! Yes I'm making more spiders. I've added the video link to my WOYWW post for you. These are sure easy to make. Getting the legs to stay put was the fussy part. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #7

  40. Your kitty wall is just so cute love all the cats you've got in there :) hugs Nikki 37

  41. Oh I am a cat lover and I can agree with all the other ladies: your cats are just perfect and very typeful. Love the seaguls too, but cats are my favorites :)

  42. Oh I am a cat lover and I can agree with all the other ladies: your cats are just perfect and very typeful. Love the seaguls too, but cats are my favorites :)

  43. Oh I am a cat lover and I can agree with all the other ladies: your cats are just perfect and very typeful. Love the seaguls too, but cats are my favorites :)

  44. That kitty wall is just the cutest thing ever! I love the seagulls as well. Many thanks for your visit, sorry I'm so late! Hugs. Pam#34

  45. I so love seagulls, we call them beech chooks because they hang out at the beach all the time. LOL family joke. Love the kitty wall.

    Sorry I am returning so late as I am in Grandfinal week and it is hell with work.

    Belated WOYWW greetings
    Eliza & Yoda 30

  46. I love the cat wall much personality on their faces.
    I'm sorry to be late. but I don't think it you? Carole #99

  47. Hello my dear, thanks for stopping by, those seagulls are so cute, and thanks for sharing Clare's blog her art work is fabulous, love your cat wall, excellent coloring, hope you have a wonderful day, Well now that my DS has gone I can snoop around :O) Dianne #79

  48. Very cute seagulls but the kitty wall is the best. thanks for visiting.
    Sandra @12

  49. Hello - I was hoping to enter your new challenge but when I tried to access it, I got a message that the blog is for invited members only. I'm sure I was on it before, unless I just remember reading about it on someone else's blog. I'm not sure if I will have time to enter before the end of the month, but I wanted to go and read the rules. If it's possible, could you allow me to join? Thanks!

  50. Love the seagulls, and the Kitty art. Have a great week, sorry I'm running late this week, Hugs, Shaz #27 xx

  51. What a cute bird canvas, and the kittens are so gorgeous as well
    Bridget #78

  52. Those seagulls are adorable! I love the graduation seagull. He looks quite smart!. And that kitty wall! Oh my. Lovely coloring. Creative Blessings! Kelly #15

  53. Your seagulls are too cute. And love the kitties. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. :-) April #21

  54. so strange... I was sure I had commented on this post. Totally love the cute seagulls. And the cat card is just awesome!!! Love how you have intergrated so many of Spyder's images.
