Wednesday 18 September 2013


Hello Wednesday Peeps and welcome to WOYWW 224. Now, if you don't know what that stands for then pop over to JULIA and you'll see..... it's just a great excuse to snoop round other people's work desks :-D
Today there is a project I am working on for a Challenge but I may have been a little ambitious - the main image is A4 so I can fit all the other images onto it, but is used up a load of my Copics to colour it  !!! hahahaha D
Anyways - keeping it short and sweet... here it is  and HAPPY WOYWW xxxx


  1. Hi Ike
    Ooh lots of colouring this week. I find it quite relaxing tho!
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B #54

  2. Oooer Ike, that's got me really curious. It look as if there might be cats involved in the image you're working on? Sorry about the nose print I just left on the inside of your screen :)

    Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

  3. Plenty to keep you amused then, colouring is nice and relaxing. Have fun!
    Karen #69

  4. Busy, busy, busy, Ike? I love seeing your work space... so much tidier than mine. The coffee cup has prode of place i see.... SNAP... although mine is always half full of stewed black tea.
    Have a happy and creative day my dear friend love BDx

  5. first my eye was drawn to your computer....a blue screen?? no picture?? I'd have a hissy fit (and have done) when my Monet garden pond disappears, it sort of calms me down! and then....
    my eyes were drawn to the WALL! Yes, full size, that will use up a lot of your copics!! It looks fabulous so far, don't forget to let me know when it's done!!
    Thank you for my snoop! Have a crafty week,
    HaPpY WoYwW?! ((Lyn))

  6. I've had another a magnifying glass out!! I get it! A wall...CATS and a dustbin...let me know if you need another cat, you know you can have it!

  7. That's one fascinating desk you have there Ike. Happy WOYWW to you.

    Sarn xxx

  8. Coloring can be so relaxing. Your coloring is stunning. Happy crafting #1

  9. Short and sweet but very interesting

  10. I just spotted that cat card all done in the other post, how adorable! Love the details! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #8

  11. fun fun, Thanks for the peak and have a great day . Roberta 7

  12. Sorry pet, no point coming over here cause the cake is all gone! How about you make it and I'll come and visit you??! I saw your finished kitty image on the way in, brilliant, looks like a lot of work went in to it.

    Brenda 14

  13. Lots of busyness on the desk! What a good idea to have two blending tools! I don't possess Copics, but I've often wished I did. People seem to get terrific results with them; but they are quite an expensive investment. Have a Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #45

  14. Thanks for keeping it short Ike ♥ I don't think I'm able to follow long English posts mentally today :-(
    Now thank you for giving me another 'excuse' not to color in digis/pics LOL But what I can see those are stunning colors. Very busy, you are :-) Hugs, Suzanne xxxxxxx

  15. Loved looking at your desk looks like it's a very production space ;D
    Fabulous card.

    I'm keeping brief today too which is a major achievement for me!
    Enjoy your desk hopping
    Neesie #86

  16. Oooh that is fabulous colouring - can't wait to see it finished! MMNx #107

  17. Hi Ike
    the A4 image was so worth it as it looks amazing great job on the colouring, good luck with the challenge
    Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend
    Ria #61

  18. Cool work desk thanks for your visit and comments xx Jan

  19. I see you already am in the fall mood too :) It is not showing on my desk yet, but I started on some fall crafts myself today :) Uniflame - 87

  20. Hi Ike, I'm liking that scene.
    Thanks for your earlier visit nd happy WOYWW
    Rosie x

  21. Love your card scene! I need to play more often with my Copics. Thanks for visiting and happy WOYWW!
    Carol N # 96

  22. Whoa! Lots and lots of coloring happening. You do such a good job at it though.

  23. That looks good - hope we get to see it when finished - full photo please.
    Yes, lots of stamps in my tins and that is only the um's.
    Thanks for visiting me earlier - Hugs, Neet xx 30

  24. Such a great busy desk and I am sure all that coloring was good for the soul. Have a fabulous week and Happy WOYWW! Danie #38

  25. That's a lot of coloring! Oops, one should store their tacky glue with the tip pointing down. Prevents clogging. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

  26. Oops on me forgot...the sticky up pointy thing is for weaving flowers out of string or yarn. I'm trying to use wire instead. :)

  27. Large piece to colour but sooo relaxing! Hugs. Pam#48

  28. Wow. That IS a lot of colouring! Funny, I looked at your screen and thought "Why is she playing Space Invaders?" LOL!

    Happy (now my internet is back) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  29. Adore all those leaves, thanks for the visit this week BJ #81

  30. Your colour skills are amazing... wonderful what you do with copic markers! I never came further with the copics I have then to write my text in my art journals or draw some lines...but that works for me. Happy, belated,woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #79

  31. You can get refill ink for the copics but I prefer Trias as they don't use as much ink and you don't need heaps of the same family to color. Anyway great desk this week, happy crafting and sorry I am returning late.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 52

  32. Hey Ike that is one kewl image you've got going on there I really want to see it finished :)

    I have some bottle cap squished a little I had a sizzix little press down and squished a few in that it was perfect seeing I got to decide how far to press down. But mostly just raw because I like to layer them with things then heat up clear embossing over it all

    Happy Late WOYWW Nikki 6

  33. I love colouring. Looks good.
    Famfa 15

  34. It was worth using up your copics as this is fantastic. I love bright things and this is perfect, love it.
    Have a great week.
    Von # 44

  35. wonderful coloring, it can be so relaxing to sit and color. I even enjoy getting out a coloring book once in a while. Kim #43 thanks for visiting.

  36. wonderful coloring, it can be so relaxing to sit and color. I even enjoy getting out a coloring book once in a while. Kim #43 thanks for visiting.

  37. Hi running way late this week. Looks interesting. Hope you show and tell when done.

  38. I so need to sit and colour; what a brilliant idea. Plus, seeing your notice board has reminded me to put one of those in my list for things I need when I start decorating my new craft room. Thank you!

    Thank you so much for visiting.
    Happy belated WOYWW,

  39. Wow wow I am so loving what you're doing and all the colouring is absolutely amazing wow. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx
