Tuesday 24 September 2013


Hi there,
I had a bit of fun with my latest creation and it made me snigger anyways !! :-D
I got a free digi from FRESH BREWED DESIGNS that they sent to enter their latest Challenge.....it's a Surprise Challenge with a Sketch too.
I coloured the Coffee Shop digitally and then used Coffee and Cream Scrapbook kit from Crafty Scraps to finish the sketch design.  The jokey part is that I added my 'Deamon' digi and a crazy sentiment  hahaha LoL
You get 2 versions of the Coffee Shop - Open or Closed door - and I added some text to the notices in the windows. One says "Back in 5 minutes" which is what would cause my demonic state if I was desperate for my coffee  hahaha !!

Click on Pic to enlarge....

Here's the Sketch and a looksee at the free digi ..one Shop is open and the other is Closed.

Challenges I am entering:

Fresh Brewed Designs Surprise Challenge with Freeb Digi
Love To Create Challenge #84 - Colour Inspiration 
Make It Monday Challenge #139 - Colour Inspiration
The Crazy Challenge #154 - Colour Inspiration
Incy Wincy Challenges - Picture Inspiration - I went with the colours


  1. Me too!
    Excellent dear Ike - right on target and on time!
    Congratulations! Good luck!
    We'll be back after the coffee!

  2. Brilliant fun card made me smile Ginny x

  3. He He He I love it!! Vee xx ps I sent you an email about your message on my bog. xx

  4. hee hee hee too funny! That would be me if I was in front of a closed coffee shop ;o)

  5. LOL ... I guess that would be any of us if we were without coffee for too long :D Everything about this card is so soft and pretty. I love the brick background. This card is sort of like one of those videos you watch that is all sweet and serene. All of a sudden a monster pops up and scares you out of your seat.Very creative use of the image.
    Thank you for playing along in our Surprise Challenge.
    Have a happy and blessed day,
    Heather D.

  6. hehehehe love this Kristy in the morning lol lol

  7. Very different, Thanks for playing along at Incy Wincy this time, hugs me x

  8. Interesting and fun card! Thanks for sharing with us at The Crazy Challenge and hope to see you again in our challenges.

  9. Thanks for joining us at The Crazy Challenges.

  10. That's funny Ike. I enjoyed seeing your card. Hugs~Patti

  11. Nice!! Is it bad that I can totally relate to this?? hehehee...Awesome job.

  12. Cool use of the image! Great card! Thank you for joining us for our Colored Inspired Challenge this week at Love to Create.
    Ruza, LTC Designer

  13. Very groovy! Thank you for joining us this week over at Love to Create Challenges.
    Amanda LTCDT
