Tuesday 27 August 2013


Hi All,
                              Fun with ATCs
I have some news today.... I was asked to join the Design Team over at FUN WITH ATCs,  so today is my first outing with them in my official capacity :-)
Only one problem - I fell at the first hurdle and my DT entry was actually late !!!!!!!!  I definitely blame Yahoo Groups coz it wouldn't let me in :-(
The Theme this time for Challenge #95 is BLACK,WHITE & RED.
Anyhoo,  it gives me great pleasure to present to you my first official Fun With ATCs Design Team ATC........

This one was made using part of my 'As Death' Rubber Stamp Set from Smeared Ink. I cut the skull head out of the rest of the frame coz it would be too big for an ATC. He was heat embossed with sparkling black embossing powder and raised up on foamies. The Sentiment is from that set too, but I typed it out to make it smaller. The Font is called A Lollita Scorned. The spider is a Cricut beasty.  I followed a Sketch from over at Smeared & Smudged Forum.

I hope you will come over and play along with us at FUN WITH ATCs :-D

Challenges I would like to enter:

Smeared & Smudged The Challenger - Very Sketchy Challenge


  1. Congrats on that new DT position!!! With all the ATCs you have been doing I know you will be fitting right in! Love the take on the sketch. And yikes!!!! HATE HATE HATE spiders... and this one really is in that category big time.... grooooooossss ;o) But fabulous ATC

  2. So good to have you joining us xx love that image, its one of my faves from smeared ink and that spiders is fab. xx

  3. You're really getting around, Ike! Congrats to you, Miss Popularity. LOVE the graphic nature of this. Your theme is perfect for the color scheme and it works so well with the sketch. Fabulous. xxD

  4. Eek - spooky... I'm not sure which one I'd least like to have waiting in the corner. Fantastic to have you on the team, and what a brilliant ATC to start us off!
    Alison x

  5. Congrats on your new DT assignment. As far as the image goes I just to scroll right past it. Not a fan of spiders but I did want to congratulate you at least.


  6. fabulous assignment well done you! oh soooo scarrrrrrry!!


  7. I like that stamp and to circle cut it out combine it with the spider is perfect! Love it!
    congrats at your DT spot!!

  8. congratulations on your new DT position and what a smashing ATC to start you off. (Love that stamp as well and love spiders)

  9. Aaaaaarrrrrghhhhh! (Did you HEAR me screech?)

    Could I PLEASE have some blinking WARNING when you are going to have scary spiders with scary skeletons appearing large on the screen! Could job my heart is strong!

    Sarn xxx

  10. What smashing news, Ike!

    Only returned from my holls I find you have joined our team at FunwithATCs! This is soooo great! Welcome!

    LOVE your ATC with the intense red and the skeletton cameo portrait!

    Claudia xx
