Wednesday 17 July 2013

WOYWW 215...... Eeeeeek !!

Good Morning and Happy WOYWW #215.

I am almost ashamed to show this mess. This is the right-hand side of one of my surfaces. I have received happy mail and got new stuff and it has all just been dumped here !!!!
I must get round to a sort out and tidy up !!!!!
If you are wondering what all this is about - why not pop over to JULIA at THE STAMPING GROUND  and have a look.

I'm off to see what other peeps are up to now. byeeee


  1. I would not know where to begin and need a stiff drink to sort that lot out. I does make me laugh I do have to admit.

    Happy WOYWW Eliza 26

  2. My desk often looks like this, when new stash arrives into my already overflowing space. Hope you enjoy your new toys and get it tidied to your satisfaction soon. Happy WOYWW!
    Danie #34

  3. A messy desk is a happy desk (unless it's driving you crazy of course). I would never be embarrassed...creativity grows from seeing things to play with ....or something! LOL. Happy Wednesday.
    Sara j #43

  4. TY for stopping by my desk. Your desk makes me feel right at home. :D I'm not very patient with the whole bead thing, that's why there are only 3 tissue beads. I don't really mind rolling the paper beads, (except the double ones, they rip on me a lot) I have a template for them, I just don't like tracing them out, then cutting them. I usually use mine as embellies on handmade journals. I'm glad you liked my poem. I have to ask, what in the world do you use the baby oil for?? Have a great week. (((HUGS)))

  5. Is this the good side or the bad side.... hope you enjoy your happy mail! Helen 19

  6. Thanks for the visit! Happy mail, as you will see from my post is great to receive, but it does take some sorting out! Have a great week and I hope the desk get sorted out but enjoy that happy mail! Julie Ann x #45

  7. I have weeks like that too! I am sure you will get around to sorting it all out :) Uniflame - 63

  8. That is busy! What is the little green thing with the arm (by the yellow pack of baby wipes?). Hope you get sorted to give you room to craft.
    Will drop you an email about the shoes.
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  9. Believe me, that is tidy compared to the mess I'm playing in at the moment. I have to jump over things just to get to the desk! It certainly looks like good mess you have there.
    Have a great week.
    Von #31

  10. Now THIS is a really scary post! LOL! xxx

  11. We've been searching for a spare inch so we could tell you you still had room to create, we didn't find one! ;)

    Waving hi from the rude bears @#86

  12. Love it !! wish I could leave all my bits out, ((sounded a bit rude lol)), thanks for leaving love on my blog

    Jay NO65 WOYWW

  13. Thanks for this picture!
    /It's always interesting in the world of Ike - on stage and behind the scenes! Signature - a curious cat/
    Smile and creative inspiration!

  14. Love your mess, no need to be ashamed =) It looks like you've been having fun =)
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    Monique # 70

  15. All desks look like that once in a while :) enjoy the happy ail and new goodies
    Happy Wednesday

  16. LOL Suzy - mess equals a creative mind.... Have a great week - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #87

  17. Lucky you! Receiving such big mail bags! It is always like Christmas isn´t it? I just admired that Cavalier portrait from Floyd - I also have a Tricolour and a Black and Tan - both girls. They are so nice dogs.
    Thank you for your visit and leaving a kind comment
    Gabriele 23

  18. Thanks for stopping by.... I always think a busy desk equals a busy mind.
    Sandra @89

  19. A desk well used Ike and just think, you have all that new stash to play with!
    Have fun and …………
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 88

  20. A well used and loved desk is the best one. And we love a bit of crafty mess at WOYWW!

  21. Such goodies there! I see some rubber that needs cutting, bet you can't wait to get them inky! I love the primary color string you have on the desk too.. Thanks for the kind visit today! Had fun visiting with you!Winnie#85

  22. Can I offer to come and help you sort out all that new crafting stash and cut around any new rubber stamps you have bought and then the place would look good and tidy
    have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #75

  23. Thanks for the earlier visit Ike.
    Once you get through your happy mail and find a place for your new stash it will all be better.
    Krisha #5

  24. Well, after tidying up is before tidying up...a neverending story, isn't it? I know I have to tidy up when I mistake my coffee mug for my jar with painting water...brrrr!

    Happy WW!

    Claudia x

  25. Hi Ike,
    thanks for visiting again, I have some photos of the 2 girls and of the dog before them, named Merlin, who only became 6 years old. He was outstanding. The 2 girls filled the gap, we got them, when they were 6, their family left them behind.
    You can see some photos on facebook Artatag. At the moment only 2 photos of Luna and Chiara and 3 photos of Merlin

  26. Just imagine the fun you will have sorting all that stash out! Its almost as good as buying it in the first place, lol. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #50

  27. You can't scare this crew with a messy desk -- ha, ha! You'll simply be applauded and commiserated with. :-) You've got things in the right order -- new "toys" on top and ready to play. Hope you get a chance to do that soon. Happy WOYWW from Laura #101

  28. An honest desk by the looks of it - no tidying it up for the camera:) It all looks great fun.

    Happy WOYWW Susi #73

  29. Yes snap! I often have a desk just like that! Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting earlier. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@96)

  30. The messiness is just a sign of creativity!

  31. Oooh, new stuff is always fun--and those envelopes are intriguing, Ike.

    Thank you for stopping by this woyww, I appreciate your visit and comment!


  32. Oh my! My desk frequently looks like that! And new stuff.... how fun!
    Thanks for visiting and happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #108

  33. Hope you get time to play with your new toys
    Rosie x

  34. sooo much to play with!!! That looks likt fun.



  35. So you felt right at home, looking at my desk, huh? lol :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my mess already! Deeyll #50

  36. yes I guess it is a bit of a mess but it's all good if you need the space just move everything to the side you don't need more than A4 space
    have a good week
    janet #41

  37. Yes a messy desk but I'm sure most of us WOYW love to see everyone else mess I do:),and now see you have cleaned up a bit and made the cutest card, I don't know how you did that paper piecing, but it looks fantastic, his little eyes are looking right at you amazing work, thanks for sharing and have a great week, thanks for you visit, Dianne #94

  38. He he, my area is quite a bit messy at the moment too!!

  39. TY for answering my baby oil question… I'm sure for a brief moment you saw were my twisted little mind was going with that question!!! :0 LOL I must say I'm intrigued though. Chat later… (((HUGS)))
    Kim #3

  40. A mess made up of crafty parcels is sure to be OK!
    Bernice #7

  41. Hahaha, that's what my desk looks like! :D
    Jean 9

  42. Holy moly... you got a lot on that desk! LOL I like the little green faced critter with the stripey body... he loosk cool!! Annette #8

  43. LOL! That's what my desk used to look like until I was lucky enough to get a whole room to myself for crafting. I still have as much stuff laying around it's just that I have more room to spread it out which makes it not look quite as 'bad'!! Thanks for popping by to check my desk out. Vikki #95

  44. If you don't resurface in a couple days, at least we have a documented starting point :-) And I believe you are busier than I am. Creative Blessings on all fronts! Kelly #105

  45. You seem very busy and everyone loves Happy Mail your space shows how creative you are :) hugs Nikki #32

  46. aha we all turn our desk into dumping grounds at some time Ike :D and yes was wonderfully productive in posts above so that is the main thing :D
    thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW, Shaz in oz.x #30

  47. Wow, where do you work?!
    Thank you for visiting.
    Karen #57

  48. I suspect by now that you have all that stuff put away. And isn't happy mail just the thing to brighten your day? Thanks for stopping by earlier. I'm not sure how late LATE is, but I'm here to wish you a beLATEd WOYWW from #2.

  49. Girl! Your desk looks great. Some cool thread there. Thank you for stopping by my desk earlier. I've been working my real job all week! I need some crafting time.
    April #107

  50. Your space makes me feel so much better ... it's a sign of a creative mind which means I must be doing something right...;) Thanks so much for your visit and sorry for being super-late this week. Happy Woyww Liz
