Sunday 16 June 2013


OK - here's my first  Post of the day ... (well actually the 2nd if you count the one where I told you I was back... hahahaha !!   ) :-)

              musically challenged
This time I am sponsoring the new challenge site..... MUSICALLY CHALLENGED.  This is a fabulous concept for a challenge.... every 2 weeks they give you a music video for your inspiration and you base your creation on that ! FABULOUS.... opens up the mind to all sorts of possibilities :-D

So anyways - this time it's me sponsoring Challenge #2 and the music vid is Pink - "Just Like A Pill".

I have put together this little creation - my main character is Honey from the Goth Fairies set by Smeared Ink. I asked permish to remove her wings for this piece. :-) All the other bits are from the Web. 

Right-Ho.... there it is. I hope you will pop over to Musically Challenged and play along.... isn't it just a FABBO idea for a new Challenge !!?????? Don't forget to leave the DT Girls some luuuurrrrve in appreciation of their fabulous creations :-D
See you later xxxxxxx


  1. YAy, welcome back. We really love this piece, and that song, and the concept of the challenge too.

  2. Awesome creation!!!! Love the colors you have done. Great idea to put the music lyrics in the back that way. Man I wish I could be that good digitally!!!

  3. Thanks Suzy - What a fab idea for a challenge - I am thinking of my entry now... my entries may not be "dark' but still it is quite a challenge... Mxx

  4. Oh wow this looks so killer kewl!!! Love it!

  5. fab creation, I love that you created pieces that naturally draw the eye all over them :D xxx

  6. Really cool digital piece. I really like how the purple and red just pop! That is also a really neat idea for a challenge. With everyone being inspired by music differently there must be some really interesting interpretations.
