Monday 8 April 2013


Good Morning and welcome to Week 2 of HDH164 - "BARE BONES/CAS" (Clean & Simple) Challenge over at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE.
Inevitably I always struggle with CAS - always want to pile more stuff on there LoL  I have used a new digi I drew over the weekend. It is coloured digitally and the backgrounds are from Crafty Chaos  'Lair of The Beast' set. The frame is digital as well so this is a totally flat piece. I haven't named my new digi yet as I am still 'tweaking'...... I can never quite leave them alone - there's always something else I see/feel the need to change LoL I was thinking of something like "Put your face on, we're going out"  hahahaha !!!

I hope you will come over and play and see what the other Minions of the Dungeon have made for your inspiration.
See you later :-D  xxx


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog & commenting on my use of your digi, Doxie, I created as Fan Fav of the mth for OSAAT. Like the eyes on your creation here. My daughter is the true artist in my family and has a talent for drawing eyes & more. I posted a new creation today of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow using artwork my daughter created as my Easter this yr 2013 present. Stop by to see.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. FABULOUS new image, Ike! Doesn't look like it needs any "tweaking" to me. xxD

  3. WOW - looks awesome! Great image, perfectly coloured. Suzanne xx

  4. Oh, Ike that is a stunning image. Vee xx

  5. Oh ike this is just awesome and you so should call the new digi that, you're a genius xxxxx

  6. FAB digi image Ike please don't tweak her anymore, she's perfect as she is. Also I like the name "putting your face on" LOL

  7. WOW that's brilliant! I missed your posts... so now went on the look out for it especially lol Have a wonderful day.

  8. Hi Suzy the follower button is right at the top like it is in my own blog I just hope it works as I haven't tried it yet lol
    great image and card love it

  9. What a great image, Like you I really struggle with the CAS idea, I'm a bloke, we are not clean, Simple yes but not clean ;)

  10. When I first looked at this I actually had to turn away because for a split second I thought those were creepy spider legs coming out of her face. <<>>. Then I tried to figure out how I could look at it without actually looking at it so I started with reading and now I can actually look at it. I've gone from wanting to curl up and scream for momma to thinking "oh, that is so cool". Amazing what a few moments of clarity will do. Brilliant as always.

